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Battle Royale 2005

8 Weeks
Battle Royale 2005


Battle Royale 2005
By chunkplex
chat_bubble 124
star star
Sleeman Bragg
Final Score: 5.42
Battle Royale 2005
By Santana
chat_bubble 124
star star
heart_broken DEFAULT
Final Score: 0.00
Battle Royale 2005
By Majikura
chat_bubble 124
star star
Veronica Nightingale
Final Score: 6.43
Battle Royale 2005
By King_Pong
chat_bubble 124
star star
Final Score: 7.05
Battle Royale 2005
By endjoi
chat_bubble 124
star star
Ayako & Fluffbucket
Final Score: 5.25
Battle Royale 2005
By Phill
chat_bubble 124
star star
RedBlood Phill
Final Score: 5.73
Battle Royale 2005
By Viperchief
chat_bubble 124
star star
The Mechanic
Final Score: 6.55
Battle Royale 2005
By Colussus
chat_bubble 124
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 8.59
Battle Royale 2005
chat_bubble 124
star star
Final Score: 7.73
Battle Royale 2005
By DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
chat_bubble 124
star star
Final Score: 7.64

Comments (124)

(Pi)'s avatar
18 years ago
Well, great show everybody. I can't wait to see what happens next, both for the characters and the next Battle Royale. Time to prep for the next big event, I suppose?

Majikura's avatar
18 years ago
in my defense, I HAD started before Coral's three fights were done. And even though her character's abilities are completely different now, I stuck with more of the same thing I had planned in the beginning.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Well dude... lets say you were going to fight someone. And you had a story written that used all the characters personalities and abilities..... and wanted it to be accurate.... and then half way through one of the characters suddenly is completely different than when you started, with a new look, new powers, and new personality altogether? Nothing about it in the bio, images, intro... nothing. And then suddenly BAM the whole character revolves around these new abilities and personality. yeah, I was kinda irked man, I wont lie about that. And I think the reason more people arent is because they hadn't started at that point, and i dont want any flack for that comment, becuase I know for a fact that it's true.

RoadMaster's avatar
18 years ago
Why is it that your comments always seem to feel that you hold some kind of resentment towards Colussus or something? From what I've read about your response to Coral's fight, you tend to have a forked tongue about it all... I'm not sure if you are trying to dissuade people from enjoying Coral's fight. I just feel that you're blaming Colussus for choosing to change your own fight.... :/

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Thanks for the comments man. In dan's defense, he looked like that years before Coral was on Void. he did that in the Tag Tournament too... so if anything, Coral does a Dan-like transformation. Course that was like 2 years ago, and i bet two thirds of the people here NOW dont even know we HAD a tag tournament. My reasoning for drawing the characters as i did is this: I wanted to draw Dan in a way that, for once, conveyed the character correctly. No more cave man head (ugh). The way gabe Draws Galvo, to me at least.... does NOT convey the personality of Galvo at ALL. becuase gabe IS Galvo.... so I merely Drew the real life Gabe, pointy elf ears and all (Yes, he DOES have those, i will supply photographic evidence if need be). Toast has WAY not enough screen time, so again, I conveyed him how I see him, which is... well, Kevin Birtcher, minus the beard. Toast doesn't grow a beard. Ever. Most everyone else, far as i can tell, I tried to make look as their artists intended them to look. The only time I ever make big changes to other people's work is if the story really depends on it. Phill is probably the character i put the most originality into. I just couldnt draw this happy smily cartoon, trying to act all a badass. The Phill that I think phill is trying to create has a nean streak, and a hairpin trigger temper, and wants to be thought of as a badass serious contender, even if underneath, he really is a good guy. I wanted him to look more like a cat (no confusing him for a squirrel) and i wanted him to have a smug personality, which he later sheds to try and do the right thing. I unfortunately started running out of time (explained below) and had to cut that short..... And becuase of this, we will never get to see the lost scene in which Phill is nearly run down by Wilson again, but is able to chop Wilson;s car in half with his sword and walk away with the last laugh. oh well, maybe sometime in the future. I wanted bragg to come off as a very arrogant prick of a guy, becuase thats how I percieve the character of Bragg, like Stone Cold Steve Austin.... but worse... thats how he's always been presented to me... so there's probably shades of Wolverine/logan in his facial expressions and whatnot.... but other than that I tried to stay true to him. The other character i wanted to look right was Ayako. To me, the way she is drawn represents her VERY well... and i tried my best not to deviate. I guess Endjoi's style kind of reminds me of Manga (which by the way, really is pretty much just saying the word comics in japanese) so thats how I wanted her to look. I thought I did ok with it at first, later on though, not so much. Everyone else... is pretty much the same story. they are who they are, didn't see a need to change anything. Only other thing I was worried about was getting across the apparently completely random personality of Coral, but also try to make it make sense (which to me, and apparently no one else, other than Kevin) was very hard to do. And then.... probably the reason I made Coral the biggest threat is, becuase when you line her up against everyone else.... besides Dan...... She IS the biggest threat there besides galvo. For the most part, everyone else there is human, or has very minimal powers. After drawing time for battle Royale started, Coral got into 3 more fights, which revealed like 200% more about her than ANY of her bio or intro comic or any other of her work had ever shown. it showed a new look, new powers, new personalities......all out of no where, after my script was already done..... Originally it was a face off between Dan and galvo at the very end, because (and very few people know this) Galvo is one powerful son of a bitch. But it also showed a dark side of Galvo the world may not have been ready for. And when put up against this NEW Coral that I had previously not known about..... it seemed kinda dumb to have her get knocked out early, and have a jokester last so long. So Galvo stayed what he has been thus far, which is comic relief, and somewhat a manipulator, looking for the easiest way to what he wanted. And Coral, who now had seemingly endless power (unless she sees pink???wtf???) was the main person to fear... becuase out of that line up, even against Dan for the most part... she was. Dan barely beat her. I just tried to keep it real to the characters as they present themselves..... and although I wasnt too happy that suddenly a character that seemed about on the same level as everyone else suddenly was near invincible, with all new powers, a new look, and a completely new personality. it kinda forced a shorter, more rushed story. I know it coul dhave been a lot better, so i do apologize for that. But yeah, thanks again for taking the time to comment man. I thought people stopped caring like a week ago haha.

A Bad Idea's avatar
A Bad Idea
18 years ago
C'MON PEOPLE MORE VOTES AND COMMENTS ! *ahem* And now I finally have time to crit this monster ! Chunk : Your linework and figures are getting better, I do like this new style you've been developing, especially the bold lines you use to define edges. That said, I think your entry lacked a lot of establishing shots, there just wasn't enough environments in your entry to give readers an idea of where the story is, even if it's mentioned. I imagine it could have been an entertaining, straightforward read but alas, it is unfinished. Synje : Well, after seeing the game I can only say that you probably should have spent that time producing a comic. I imagine you could've come up with something FAR better. =\\ Kura : All I can say is that it's a shame you couldn't finish what you wanted. Even with as many 'insert' pages there are here, I know you planned for a LOT more to happen (especially for Bragg and Gum). It was a very ambitious project, and I for one am glad that you decided to ditch page quality to actually FINISH the story. Even in text, you wrote everyone's stories to be rather compelling and involved, and it shows that you've read into each character extensively to portray them right and integrate them into the plot (with the exception of the Coral vs Bragg+Gum, that fight felt rather 'forced' on behalf of Coral exploding on a single comment). The story was imaginative and deep, and whoever didn't decide to read through the whole thing should be ashamed. For plot alone this could have easily been my highest vote for the power of its storyline. Pong : Well, for one I can say that you draw REALLY REALLY nice trains (and other miscellaneous vehicles). Backgrounds were quite superb too, but I just get the impression that you REALLY REALLY like trains. I really didn't expect anything less than bizarre for the storyline, but for some reason it felt as though this entry was all just a setup for the J-Pop fight. In fact, it seemed like you were more hyped up for the J-Pop fight than you were about BR. At this point I've grown to enjoy your penwork, but there are just a few pages that just looked rushed. I also can't say much for the lack of Phil's involvement in the story as a whole and I could say the same for the missing Gum (wouldn't he be docked points for not including all characters ?), but in the end this felt more like a prop to GVSR vs J-Pop than a Battle Royale. Endjoi : Well, I won't say anything you already know (about the quality, stuff happens =\\), but it was a very entertaining read. Props for at least getting something in. Phill: Again, I imagine this would have been a rather entertaining read if it were finished. I'm sure enough people have told you about your problems drawing humans (compensating for your ability to draw Phill, of course), but I'd like to take this time to comment on your backgrounds (in which there were very few). I know it's a rather common trick to use solid black backgrounds to set a mood or tone, but in this case it failed to establish an environment. For the most part, the entire comic took place in a black (and green) abyss, save for maybe the last panel. I do like that you wrote each character rather accurately to fit your story, but again, the story isn't finished and I'd have liked to see how it all played out to the end. Viperchief: As others mentioned, you were off to a very strong start and the quality just plummeted as it neared the end of these pages. I figured there would be a number of people who would play out BR to be a true, all-for-nothing brawl, but as it's written out here, it doesn't seem to involve the other fighters as nothing more than 'fighters' in this big melee. I would like to see where it would have gone if it were finished, however. Galvo: Man, I'm amazed you got something of this quality turned in given how much time you put into Pulpo. There were some spots where there seemed to be too much open space, but the colors seemed to fill those spaces rather well. You panelwork and pacing is amazing, and i especially love the stylistic anatomy (especially how goofy Dan looks =P). I didn't know what to expect out of the story though, after your Toolio vs Vincent flash fight I knew you'd be holding NOTHING back as far as writing went; some concepts I really enjoyed (especially the whole idea of the old Dan and Galvo, and the Dan and Galvo parts in general), but I felt the whole log cabin chapter was too removed from the rest of the gang for it to feel like a 10-man fight...more like, 2 5-man fights in the same read. Knowing how much time you had I probably shouldn't be bitching about how you didn't look much into the other fighters' stories (especially Veronica. Why is it that people can't get that porn stars and prostitutes are two totally different things ?), but to that, it didn't really feel like some characters were really involved in the story to count as an acting character (like Phill, Gum and Mechanic). It's still a damn good entry for whatever time you had. Dan: Well, you certainly have come a long way since your last comic here. Your attention to detail and inkwork has improved a LOT, but I imagine this comic would look a LOT better if you applied the effort you put into drawing Dan (and maybe Toast and Galvo) into drawing the other characters. Granted, the work you put into drawing Dan has paid off a hundred ways, in fact I don't remember a time where he looked better in your comics. It's just that the other characters didn't seem to have that much work put into them as far as face detail and anatomy/proportion went (like Ayako on page 8, who actually looks a bit more manga than your usual style). As for the story, I agree with Viperchief where it felt more like Coral-mageddon, and also with Zombi where it seems Dan's story hadn't moved forward any farther than it's always been (save for him earning his Coral-like transformation). It's a very strong entry overall, but I felt it could have been better founded in certain places. ---------- Getting late...I'll have to do Colosuss's tomorrow. O_O

Rose's avatar
18 years ago
I was up until four reading this Battle Royale lol. You all did so well, especially those of you who actually FINISHED. I do have to agree that Colossus took the bacon for me on this battle, but galvo and Dan's storylines were sweet, too. These characters are, like, epic heroes now. Additionally, I have now realized that I need to add some more depth to my character that I'm working on right now. Thanks for that.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
and god DAMN.... how did I not notice that Kura's head looks morelike a pumpkin than a head on page 21? wow..... i must have been more tired than I thought when finishing this.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Thanks for the comments, Colenel. I havent drawn on thsi scale since.... wow since I can't even remember (which I hate myself for) and I know a lot of my action took on way too much ambition for where my skill level is at currently. I probably could have used a lot more panels in some scenes, and a lot less in others. either way, your comments are dually noted, and I thank you for putting so much time and effort into reading these stories, as well as commenting so efficiently on them.

GALVO's avatar
18 years ago
elongated sex scene wtf... it was three panels... how the fuck is that elongated?

ColonelXonik's avatar
18 years ago
This was a pretty good Battle Royale. I'm disappointed to see some rush jobs and unfinished work, but there was some real brilliance. I really don't care about length, but rather whether or not you could crank out a good story fitting of this competition. I'm ranking these from what I say is worst to best. -Synje- I too heard about this RPG stuff. You should've stuck with what you were good at. Then you wouldn't have this nasty default. -Endjoi- This was just garbage, if I may say so. It looked as though it were drawn in one evening. The lack of visual quality distracted me from the story, which itself wasn't too fantastic. You really could've done a million times better than this if only you'd given yourself the time. Really a shame; I hope I can continue to see your generally good work instead of cop-outs like this. -Chunkplex- It's really awful for me to read this and see it's just an introduction. Man, you had some possibilites with it, and you couldn't run with it. I don't know what was happening at your end, but I really wanted to se this come to fruition. The art's pretty good, and the storyline looked as though it could've run for...oh...another thirty or forty pages. -Phillip C- You really need to work on your non-furry character designs. The way you draw Phill is very good, but I found the other characters to be laughable. I could see where you were coming from on the story, and it was pretty good, even if it's kind of been done before. -Viperchief- I was hoping someone wouldn't do the sort of tournament-style Battle Royale, but here it was. It was a bit disappointing, but your pencilling and inking rarely leave me unamazed. This was one of those rare times, especially in those last couple of pages. The ending was didn't pull anything together at all. It was like turning off a light. Still, the art early in this submission was really stellar. -King_Pong- As I was reading this, I couldn't stop thinking of the good ol' R. Crumb stuff. Your art here reminds me of it so much, but maybe the randomness of the story is helping that too. But what gets me is you trashed your storyline and made it this veritable orgy of random actions by random characters. It was funny, but definitely hard to follow. You lost big points with me there. I would've loved to have read those first bunches of pages to see if really that would've made any sense of the finale you presented here. -Kura X- I have to say, I loved the introduction and how you shifted things around a bit in terms of art and storytelling. It was something pretty ambitious on your part. And your subplot dealing with GVSR was brilliant. Still, I could see you didn't apply yourself to some of those pages. Frankly, on some, the art was downright crap. Still, you seemed to have a good storyline going, but I found your black-and-white dialogue pages to be nothing further than annoying. Again, ambitious, but it didn't work. -Galvo- First off, what the hell with the elongated sex scene? It didn't add at all to your story and stuck out like a sore thumb. Also, some of Dan's dialogue parts sounded hokey. Otherwise, a usually-solid story from you. A little long and meandering at places, but it worked all right. If you gave it a few more tweaks maybe it'd be better. Some of your designs I wasn't entirely pleased with (namely, some of the more abstract ones such as The Mechanic's), but you did well with the flashback/remembrance scenes. I didn't get the ending, but it still looks like something GVSR would do. ^_^ -SkullCap- You have no idea how close I was to giving this the big prize. It was very well done, flowed very well, and was had few flaws. Chief among them were design flaws that made an otherwise good page look amateurish. (A good example is page 21...Veronica Nightingale's face makes me cringe everytime I see it, and the action shot at the bottom really is not very professional-looking.) This was a very good submission; again, as with Galvo's, a little on the long side, but effective. And everyone seems to love doing some neat little things with GVSR at the end. That was priceless. But in the end, my winner is.... -Colussus- Wow. This was nicely done. Nice exposition, gorgeous art, good had it all. Granted, your script did have times where it sounded like a bad shounen fight show scene. In fact, that part of your premise was what really dragged a lot of it down. It made your story feel a lot longer than it should have been at twenty-five pages. Regardless, there were several things that made me choose you as champion. Firstly, your characterization was very good. You developed a bunch of the characters, especially Coral herself. It was lovely seeing all of their plots unfolding so brilliantly. Then there was your art. In your scene where Gum transforms, I just about needed to change my pants. Also great was your movement in the bridge collapse scene. Every character was drawn well (although I must complain some of the male characters were a little hard to tell apart for me at times). But the clincher was that plot twist. Dan just about beat you to it. He had the same twist, but your applied a bit more dramatic flair, and it is far more intense as a result. The fake endings helped here too. A couple other things I'm putting here for should have had more Galvo time. I felt a bit gypped there. Otherwise, you've got my championship thumbs up. Can't wait to see what next year holds for this competition. Good show for 2005.

noriaki_kakyouin's avatar
18 years ago
How can people skip through these pages without reading them? Some of them get SOOO in-depth in the storylines and some have great repartee between characters! The only reason to skip through would be if the art was just too bad to look at... but these are all really good. To skip through them without reading them would be a sin.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Sorry for going off the deep end. nearly 24 hours stuck in a car will do that to someone's mind. I'm just used to people (like Galvo sometimes does) posting without any research whatsoever, meaning their entire post was already answered, and easy to find. But I shouldnt have snapped like that. I just also know that people are voting without actually reading these fights. They are looking at the pictures, or at the page amount. I'm not trying to make a case for mine here, no. But i DO know that that is going on, and its kinda disappointing after all the work some of us DID put into this.

(Pi)'s avatar
18 years ago
This was indeed an epic battle. Props to all for partaking in such an event.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Typo_ It is a default for 2 reasons. One, he does not get any points because this was a comic match. No animation or games, becuase there is no way to fairly rate those when put up against comics. Not once ever has rating gone the way it should if theres a comic against a game/ movie. So no, there will never be movies or games allowed to compete in a Battle Royale, and if they are turned in, they get disqualified. This was explained to Synje when he asked, becuase he didnt feel like doing a comic after the first month. He was in perfect agreement, and did a small portion of an RPG instead. It is unfinished and at the moment, we have no way to even actually run it as an executable, which is why its not available anywhere. Once it is up, it will be put up either here or the forum, but there will be no voting for it. Im sorry to be an asshole about it, but this has only been gone over like 90 million times and quite frankly im sick of people talking about it like they have no idea when its clearly posted everywhere, including higher up in this very comment page. So agaim i apologize, but im not going to say it again. Synje is gone in the military, and its up to us to try and make this a woring file for a game people can actually play, which it is NOT right now. We cant even play it.

TypoDemon's avatar
18 years ago
I heard that there was an RPG involved as well as rumour going around.. Why the default? Because It's a game? I'd certainly hope not. To all, there was good and there was bad, congrats to those who finished with flying colours, literally.

Deja Wu's avatar
Deja Wu
18 years ago
O_O OMFG. THIS IS HUGE. The fights, some funny, some serious, but...THIS WAS GOOD. I could see amazing effort from everyone, but I give the highest marks to Coral.

Viperchief's avatar
18 years ago
I'm not even sure who's I liked most, I'm a huge fan of Pong's and I'm leaning most in his direction. Galvo's was damn entertaining. Dan's felt more like an Armageddon almost with Coral as the threat but it was pretty damn cool. I certainly can't comment on the unfinished entries as I'm among them. What can I say, I have a very demanding life right now and this is a hobby, I'll never do this for a living. Three months full of holidays, my son, longer hours at work, and everyday distractions took priority. Sorry folks.

BronxArtist's avatar
18 years ago
Im in complete agreement w/ ZOMBI. For such a big event there was to few a ppl that showed \"BIG EVENT QUALITY.\" My vote oes to Galvo.

zombi's avatar
18 years ago
pong gets my vote. just because he did a good consistent job, it was really funny and this is work that i have come to expect from him. he also did a complete fight... Galvo, coral and Dan galvo did a good job too. veronica, even though complete the art KILLED it, i totally didnt dig the back and forth switching between pen and sketches so its not really a complete fight in my eyes. im thoroughly disappointed with the trunout: 1 person defaulted... 4 ppl didnt finish their fights, one finished with incomplete art. so basicly we're left with 4 out of 10 entries that are complete and are BR worthy. I cant see an excuse for why that happened, you all had 3 months to do this. and the minimum was 10 pages which is enough. 40+ pages is alot and i praise you for doing that, ill also say that if there was a 10 page complete fight then i would have not thought anyless of it, page number means nothing; what matters is the quality of each page. 10 HQ pages >> 20 LQ pages that said, i hope no one is offended by my remarks, it is but a humble opinion of mine. and im being serious and unsarcastic and professional: GVSR: you win Galvo: nice fight man, digged the colors. layouts and stuff could have been ALOT better. BG's as well. i was horrified by the PHILXXXVERONICA scene, but the murder of phil made it up. DAN: good complete fight man. a little self indulgent for my taste. not that i oppose character development and discovery, but dan(the character) has been doing the same thing ever since i got to void several years ago, still doesnt know his powers, still doesnt know what to do etcetc, so in my opinion he hasnt really developed. but to be fair: this is a minor MINOR crit when compared to anything else in your fight, it was all good and i just wanted to point this out because sometimes ppl to get lost in their characters. the way i see it you succeeded in presenting your idea's. and i commend you for that. its just that my prefrenece would have been to see a new resolved Dan that is mature and different that what we're used to seeing. so the crit is just a preference thing, its not saying that change is better than what your currently trying to do with dan. all in all GREAT fight man. i wish you did something like this for the first armageddon. Coral: i commend your completeness as well. above average art, interesting fight, though you need to work more on your panel flow and how you introduce backgrounds (eg brag and dan scene was very confusing, was dan inside another truck, or under the bridge, or next to brags parked truck, i just didnt know) also, a minor preference thing, i thought the story was cliche and didnt offer anything different or interesting. see galvo was wacky and all over the place hilarious, you went for a serious angle, but didnt play it out to full extent, you just went with the usual and normal methods of fighting , very mundayne. so it was kind of monotone, with exciting bits here and there. also commend you for not having veronica as a prostitute. VIRONICA: i didnt even read your comic, the sheer amount of text and bad art were just a kick in the face. BRAGG: it started out wierd, then got wierder. you really need to work on your script man: extreme redundancy everywhere. its not that youre writing what a person might actually say, what youre doing is putting down your own thoughts and what you wanted to present from that character, and just leaving it like that. most of those things could have been shrunk down to 2 lines rather than 5. also it was extremely cheesy Mechanic: art was cool, started off nice. then you have the crappy pages in the end and the incompleteness. Ayako: same as with veronica, bad art and hand written script... GUM: i heard you had an RPG or smth. what i see is a default. Phill: ... ok so its colored, partly, art was ok in someplaces, bad everywhere else. man, veronica looked disgusting in the first few pages. you also need to work on your action shots, (the knee and kick in the middle pages) you tried interesting panel layouts. should experiment some more to get it down. I did not take into account any personal circumstances surrounding the artists. all i looked at is the finished product and i gave my honest opinion. good job getting something up atleast, but youll have to excuse me when i say that most of you didnt do their bests and submitted below average work. i hope you redeem yourselves in future battles.

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
There's 22 total, but the files I sent you are only numbered to 21 because the title page is not numbered.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
wait.... do you have 21 pages or 22? becuase I have 21 total in my personal folder.... and the site apparently has 22 now.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Vincent? WTF? one good vote? does that mean all the rest were bad?........ aaaugh! pong i'll try and fix it. 18 =explode.

justarhymes's avatar
18 years ago
Galvo owned Battle Royale. He should win.

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
Hold on you put one page twice now... you have page 18 both at it's spot as page 18, and also as page 16. Page 16 is the one were Galvo's body explodes. Technical difficulties!

Phill's avatar
18 years ago
Damnit... why did I even bother with this fight anyway?

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
I uploaded your page, Ponger, and switced them so they are in order. Hahaha that was an awesome page, i see why its your favorite.

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
I didn't get any of your email, but I've resent the 17th page so hopefully it'll go through now. Anyway, Dan, Galvo, Colususs - you all rocked. but person by person: Chunk: Good start too bad you didn't finish, I really wanted to see where this was going. Kura, pretty good stuff overall, though there were a few points where things got a little too wordy and I sort of skimmed through the dialogue. The coloring that was there was kind of weak, and I think I may have prefered to have just had it be black and white rather than the occaisional random color here and there. Pong, If everybody knew just how much time you didn't spend on this, they'd rightfully have to kick your ass. Endjoi, I really really wanted to see this. IT was funny and entertaining, but I don't realy feel like I need to comment on the quality of the art. Phill . . . I kind of figured you were going to have more than this, but frankly as it is, I didn't find it very interesting to read or to look at. Better luck next time. Viper: This was a spectacular start to what should have been a spectacularly epic battle. You're a sadist, torturing us all with an unfinished bit like this. Colususs, your entry rocked, despite it's incredible length, the story rarely lost momentum and just kept flying all the way through. A little rough here and there, but overall really good. (and GVSR is now rich, thanks to your goodness). Galvo - your entry I think was probably the most entertaining, it was long but it didn't get bogged down by lots of boring dialogue, and while the backgrounds were austere, and you made Dan look like a total crack head, it made me laugh. When Dan falls rigidly into the grave, was probably funniest action in the whole comic. DAN! - Man, you really brought a well drawn entry for this! I mean sometimes the backgrounds were plain, or malformed - but the people looked great - you had one of the best drawn entries. A couple of times your story lost steam and ground to a halt, but overall you presented a pretty solid entry.

Hiemie's avatar
18 years ago
That couch was given to me by my grandmother....

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Pong dude, check your email. I didnt get one of your pages. Both me and Toast have tried to contact you about getting the missing page in (and letting us know if they are in the right order) so that we can put it back in there.

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
My favourite page from my comic (page 17) doesn't seem to be working. I'll post comments on everybody's battles once I've finished reading them all. Which will take like a century.

Majikura's avatar
18 years ago
I pretty much lost all motivation in January. When you contacted me last week I was fired up because crunch time always gets me riled. I'll post my thoughts when i can type them out without having to lose them via computer related accident.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
K... lets see here... what does dan think... I think if I had to pick a winner, it would be gabe, who although he didnt use the time to his advantage at ALL, still came in with a high roller of an entry. his story was funny, creative, colorful, and had a great ending. it wasnt too short, but wasnt too long either. I would have liked to see better drawn characters... but this was good. Colussus.... art was pretty good over all. You had a few times where it looked like you threw anatomy out the window.... also.... i had a very hard time following your story. It seemed like many different random events strung together over way too many pages. it also seemed as if though you were referencing a LOT of info about Coral that you may know, but that no one else does, which only added to the confusion. Any panels where her \"inner demons\" were talking to eachother or to anyone else seemed to not make any sense at all. i also was expecting a bit more from your level 3 coral... for as much hype as you put ino it.... all she was was topless with a different sword. Overall, very good usage of time art-wise.... i just wish the story was more coherant. The pinups were cool as hell though! i fuckin love the Dan one. Phil, you get a deduction when this is all over because Dan wasnt even in yours, so technically you broke a rule. I have to agree with the above comment that it seems while your phill and other furry charaters are getting better.... your humans are getting dreadfully worse. everyone suffers from giraffe-neck syndrome, and they all are built like the stay puft marshmallow man. Overall i expected a bit more, for all the trash talk you brought to the table at the beginning. Pong. haha, i still love your art style man, and again, i have to say on behalf of the entire council, im sorry if we ever doubted you. This was a valiant effort, even if at the end it got a little goofy haha. I love that you can always somehow fit cable cars and trollys into your stories. I would have liked an intro.... but this was decent without. Bragg... man haha i remember when the teenage mutant ninja turtles comic by archie did a story just like that. It woul dhave been cool to see where you would have taken this, and i liked the new style. It reminds me of something.... but i dont know what off hand. You also recieve a deduction, as the 10 page minimum was not met. Mechanic.... man what happened? haha you were off to a terrific start! Even if it didnt have an ending, i liked where it did end. That was a funny sight gag. Very stylish and well done, what was there. Endjoi.....i dont really know what to say. I mean believe me i know better than anyone that shit happens. So im not mad or anything. I just wish I could have seen what could have been, because you usually bring a hell of a lot to the table. Kura.... yours seemed to bounce around WAY too much to me. I really had a hard time following it... and again.... it almost seemed like a story where the writer knows way more than anyone else, but thinks we all know it too. I wish i had known also how long ago you lost interest.... that kinda erks me, as when i asked you last week if you would be finished, you were VERY enthusiastic and gung-ho that you would be totally done and ready to go..... but again, i guess i know that shit happens, and hell, armageddon didnt get a good start its first time out either (haha mostly MY fault). As for Synje.... well man... if you are reading this.... we are trying to get an executable form of the small game you made. My brother seems to think he can put it together, so we can show people soon. No points for you though....

kure ji ori's avatar
kure ji ori
18 years ago
colossus' story was epic. Galvo youres had me laughing and i love how every fucker got killed Pong funny shit as always Dan i loved the gmaing references XD Kura i liked the story, its jsut a shame you lost motivation Endoji sad to see you didnt get finished Like wise Phil and Viper XD

otakutaylor's avatar
18 years ago
You all have each proven yourselves as artists, sequential or otherwise. Let this battle be placed in the library of time as one of the greatest achievements in void battles ever. By witnessing its greatness, artists the world over are inspired. Knowing that someday they may stand on par with the talented artists of today. May this statement ring out for all eternity... \"Whoa.\"

noriaki_kakyouin's avatar
18 years ago
I... I don't know what to say. Colossus, Galviin, skullcapCOMIX.... thank you SO much for your entries. I chose you three as my favorites. Chunkplex: I wish there was more. KuraX: Well done, but the art was just lacking a bit... I dunno... but you still got very high marks. King Pong: I really like your art style. It really reminds me of the 60's and 70's underground comics like R. Crumb. I also really like your colours. Also high marks. Endjoi: what happened??? Phillip C: I think your furries are well done, but the humans just didn't look right for some reason... Viperchief: You pulled off the silent battle thing really well. I like the shading... but MAN! I wanted more battle. With the time you really could have pulled off a 20 pager easilly... but still a good job. Good job, folks.

vergeofsanity's avatar
18 years ago
Hooray! Here's all my reading for the rest of the week!

GR.'s avatar
18 years ago
is there a way to submit votes? O_o I don't see a button to actually submit them yet...

Phill's avatar
18 years ago
Heh, you're not the only one dude.

sumbumm's avatar
18 years ago
Alright sorry man, I just can wait till its up.

Phill's avatar
18 years ago
Chill yo, all this hype you kids are giving this is making me guilty! It'll be up when it's up.

sumbumm's avatar
18 years ago
Sorry about asking this again but right now where I live its 2:00 a.m and I dont see any signs of the battle royal sequences. Please if theirs any progress or problems reply. Im a website owner also I will help as much as possible for EnterVoids sake, The Voidlings, and for the most mine, I can't wait no longer to see these.

Jay's avatar
18 years ago
Art by day, art by night. No time to sleep must stay and fight. Will the challenge tear down their might? Battle Royale will lend that sight. The chosen ten, let the battle begin...please.

noriaki_kakyouin's avatar
18 years ago
From what I have seen from the normal battles I am very excited to see what these artists have come up with for this one... and it'll help me really anticipate/prepare myself for other large-scale battles for myself (in the future, of course). Some of them SAY it's not good... but I've heard that one before and seen great stuff.

Silk's avatar
18 years ago
Hurray! It's truly coming!!

Genos's avatar
18 years ago
This shall be seriously kickass methinks.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
It will be up by tomorrow (Tuesday) Night. We are finalizing it now.

(Pi)'s avatar
18 years ago
I am exploding with excitement.

Raestlin's avatar
18 years ago
I have a MIGHTY NEED for some sweet delicious Battle Royale Akshun and wait with bated breath.

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
Endjoi, I'm willing to bet that nobody procrastinated/became dysphoric more than I did. Which is why I'm hoping nobody gets insulted.

sumbumm's avatar
18 years ago
Any Progress so far on the BR sequences? Meaning about how much longer till its up..not trying to be rude or anything, its just im impatient and can't wait to see them...

endjoi's avatar
18 years ago
I too am prepared to be insulted..... damn, I hate how much I procrastinated...I bet I procrastinated more then ALL OF YOU...which makes me sad. because you all deserved a much better entry from me....

Majikura's avatar
18 years ago
i am prepared to be insulted then.

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
If anyone did worse than I did, I'm going to insult them. I hope everybody made rockin' entries.

WhiteFox's avatar
18 years ago
In both the Aixa vs Fushigi and Jira vs Moo fights, both participants defaulted. I think thats what Monday was talking about

endjoi's avatar
18 years ago
wait, who defaulted? I'm confused....

Monday's avatar
18 years ago
AAAAAAOOWWWW !!! THIS BETTER ROCK ASS ! IM STILL BITTER from all the DEFAULTS happennin here, and Synje, lookin forward to checkin your game :D

Viperchief's avatar
18 years ago
So you did get mine then, Dan? Hope so, I sent it like noon yesterday. I hear ya Phil, I'm in the same boat dude. Really bummed that I didn't take advantage of the time given. Had a lot of things I wanted to do with this and for this reason or that didn't get done. But there's a couple cool pages in there, I especially worked hard on the first one. Definitely learned some good lessons from this.

Majikura's avatar
18 years ago
Dan, I've resent three emails with the zip files in parts. Apparantly because it's too large for one email.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
Sorry Kura. Got you and Mechanic mixed up.... been a very long and tiring day. Still waiting on yours... nothing in my inbox. Get it to me when you can. And to that last guy with the Veronica comment.... only thin thats lame is how much of an asshole you appear to be, buddy.

Monday's avatar
18 years ago
so by NOT containing it equated to initiating an action to express it OUT? No, friend , you were NOT sorry for the actions you've followed through, but soon you will be. Containment was an easier choice, as it would not have resulted in my opinion of you-which for your sake, I will withhold from saying here. Welcome to Void. [/lame elegance]

gabrielwhist's avatar
18 years ago
I HATE VERONICA NIGHTINGALE! sorry but its true. i think the whole elegance thing is lame. again, sorry but i couldnt contain myself any longer.

Majikura's avatar
18 years ago
Dan have you forgotten about me? I'm sorry to dissapoint, but mine is completed and is being emailed to you right now.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
and shit my bad, there was 3 months. Yes, the next one will be run a lot better. I will be keeping track of everyone's progress, my own included, after seeing how this one has turned out for everyone.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
As of 12:15 am, I have entries from all but Mechanic..... better hurry dude.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago
or did they hell even I cant remember anymore. Battle Royale will be posted sometime before we leave for Florida.

Phill's avatar
18 years ago
A word to the second generation of Battle Royale fighters, you will not have 3 months to work on this, we were all lucky, and most of us really screwed up on this time wise. So a word to the wise: If you're going to do something big for this fight, do it as early as you can! Have fun with it like Galvo did (at least he told me he had fun with his, and I dread seeing what he's done now), this is your own thing and your own fight to do, so don't let other people's plots or storylines get the best of ya. Granted the past couple of days for us wasn't all that fun, we did learn alot from this, you can bet that the second battle royale will have better results than the first (just look at armageddon). So I just can't wait to see what you've all done right now, I'm terribly sorry I couldn't finish my fight, but it does have some fighting in it at least. Next battle royale I can participate in, you can bet that I won't take my time on it. Art block or no!

endjoi's avatar
18 years ago
I am apoligizing in advance for my entry. it will be finished (sort of) but I wish I could have done a better job... Anyways, I kinda feel like tearing it to shreds right now, but oh well. back to drawing...

Colussus's avatar
18 years ago
I hope you guys has sended their entry to Dan, cuz i don't want to see any defaults from any of you!!!!!!

(Pi)'s avatar
18 years ago
Oh shit... last day... can you SMELL what the ROCK is COOKING?!?!

King_Pong's avatar
18 years ago
I've been on an all out banzai run for the past few days - let's see how much I can do before I implode on myself (note: has set personal record of 16 completed/colored pages over a period of five days) - I don't know about panel layouts, but I've learned a huge amount about computer coloring since my last battle.

kure ji ori's avatar
kure ji ori
18 years ago
i know thisll be cool but im looking forward to seein wht you guys do AFTER this. I mean armageddon helped me alot with how i panel comics and with the speed in which i draw. So hopefully the same will happen with you guys and well be seeing alot more of your stuff around the site!

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
18 years ago

Viperchief's avatar
18 years ago
Sounds like we all had the same issues, this definitely taught me lessons on time management. Never done something this big before. I'll be happy to see whatever you guys have, I'm gonna be using every free minute from now to the deadline to finish up. Better get to it!

jonas's avatar
18 years ago
colussus for winnar! swedish power!

Phill's avatar
18 years ago
Don't feel left out, I procrastinated, had art block, and have had just bad luck with my BR fight, right now I just hope to finish, I hope you all like what I've got to show. Just need to step things up a tad, so hopefully after the BR, I'll know how to better prepair for an event like this.

endjoi's avatar
18 years ago
I got so much art shit going on I have no idea how I'm still standing. This is what I get for taking two studio classes, japanese and radio broadcasting in the same quarter. ANYWAYS, despite having a midterm this week, which kinda fucks everything up, I will have something. It will be inked, and if I am very very lucky it will be colored. SO there is my list of things that could be an excuse for not finishing, except I'm going to finish so I don't even know why I'm writing this. I should stop babling so much. I think I'm just nervous perhaps a little.

Hellis's avatar
18 years ago
one week left, make this epic guys O_O

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
I'm down to crunch time but will have it done on time, inked and grey toned, I blow at colors and have gotten good feedback on my greys, so there you go. I got moved to day shift recently which destroyed a whole week of my drawing schedule. Up early, 9 hours in the Arizona sun, dead tired after work. Which leaves weekends to draw. Luckily, I am back on Swings starting monday, all day to draw and can double my drawing load, it will be done. And I really like what I got.

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
19 years ago
Here's to hoping I finish. Oh, and somewher from the depths of his ass, Galvo pulled out, in like a week and a half, a pretty god damn good looking entry, fully colored. I could list excuses... but in the long run they are just that. So... hopefully see you guys with a finished entry on the 20th.... i think i am like pong... pretty much lost all hope.... had a good story... got told its too long.... so I took too long trying to figure out how to draw it.... had to redo the whole story... then draw the NEW story..... gah, whatever. Maybe I aint cut out for big events.

Colussus's avatar
19 years ago
Fucking 10 days left O________o, shit, better hurry up 'n' finish the shit!! Cya on February 19th

zombi's avatar
19 years ago
seriously... every single one of you guys BETTER kick ass. you all had MONTHS of time to prepare, and i expect this to be everyones' BEST piece of work. i want story, i want action, i want style. i want this to rock better than armageddon. if anyone is thinking about doing a hald ass job please oh please let me tickle your bum. good luck all. ill be waiting patiently.

King_Pong's avatar
19 years ago
I've pretty much lost all motivation... I'm going to have to post an abridged version, and I'll put all the \"extra\" stuff that's no longer included into the forum once we've reached the due date. But what still remains is still a whole lot - and a whole lot of kickass!

jonas's avatar
19 years ago
hell yeah. you've renewed the faith in this sickboi. see you on the 19th!

endjoi's avatar
19 years ago
... alright, well back to stuff about BATTLE ROYALE,as opposed to random angst. With about two weeks left, I have to say I am sadly very much behind. it's seriously taken me all this time to come up with a story that I'm satisfied with. But now I have a story and I'm flying through the pages. so hopefully I will not dissapoint. I CAN'T TELL YOU GUYS HOW EXCITED I AM. I know you all will be bringing the doom, and I can't wait to see how everyone does this. GOOD LUCK!

King_Pong's avatar
19 years ago
I don't know about going strong - but I'm still going anyway. Let's just say it'll be pretty crazy - as I hope everybody else's is.

Colussus's avatar
19 years ago

Monday's avatar
19 years ago

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
19 years ago
Status update- I've been hearing good things here, people. Synje turned in a short rpg type game for his entry. Unfortunatly it will not go up for voting or for a chance to win, as this is a comics-only event, but hopefully we can rig it to be displayed anyway. It looks like it will take some work, as we only have half of it, and need an actual engine to run it, but if anyone can do it, it's Toast. I havent heard anything from kura, chunk, endjoi, or viperchief, as fas as status goes. Galvo finally finished his Pulpo entry (which is amazing) and is off to a HUGE start on his BR entry, with many pages alreay done and digitally inked. Colussus, as of last report, has over 68 pages, with an aim of over 80, which i think tops any entry ever posted on void by one person. Will that be TOO much though? Time will tell. Phill seems to have a fair amount of pages done, and it still going strong. From what Ive heard, so is Pong. Looking forward to a crazy entry from him. As for me, Im happy with what I have done so far, and am confident I will finish on time. Unfortunate medical issues reared their ugly head for my girlfriends father, and Ive had to take time away to be with her and help out. And at work about 2 weeks ago, I was made to move a refridgerator, and it fell on my hand, badly injuring a finger I already broke once back in 2002. Fortunately, it isnt my drawing hand, but the pain has been a slight distraction, as well as appointments with doctors, xray technicians, and orthopedic specialists. I may need surgery, but i'll be damned if I have that anytime BEFORE Feb. 20th. I wanna get this done AND read them all before I worry about anything else that important. Hope that was enough of a status report. Look forward to unexpected happenings from both me and colussus..... and an old ability of Dan's, once again rearing its \"ugly head\"... or face, I should say. In the next few months, through this BR, future fights, and maybe a beyond battle or 2, I aim to fill in just exactly what happened after the Tag Tournament, and Toast's involvement... why Dan stopped wearing the \"ninja\" suit, well, the mask and ugly ass canvas pants at least...... What happened at the end of the P2 vs Dan Tournament fight (we saw the explosion, but what REALLy happened between the time that we lost sight of them, and Dan was found unconscious and brought to the hospital?)....... many questions... hopefully all answered soon. Sorry.... didnt mean to highjack this so much.

jonas's avatar
19 years ago
c'mon guys, status report! I ain't hyped enough!

Monday's avatar
19 years ago
3 weeks left everyone. believe me, this is something you DONT want to procrastinate on >:D

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
Ooooh! Just thought of an awesome thing to do with my fight! Just need to get my J-pop battle out of the way and I can begin!

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
19 years ago
Sorry about that, Col. The last time I checked your bio page, it was still the old head shot, and I kept forgetting that the way its set up for the moment, it calls the headshots to the page differently. My bad. It still shows your new one on the bio and everything, just didnt for anything that said Battle Royale on in. I'll do my best to keep a closer eye on it, as its my responsibility, and I dont wanna lay it on Toast, especially something so small as headshots. But hey, can ya blame me? I got PAGES AND PAGES AND PAGES to draw still!!!! Man Im soooooo hyped about this! Even if mine doesnt turn out at all like I want, Im still so stoked to see what you guys come up with!

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
19 years ago
Hey Phill and Colussus, I updated your avatars on the battles page and Battle Royale page, respectively.

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
Could be worse, could of just gotten a headcold! I HATE HEAD COLDS!

DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)'s avatar
DEDieckmann (SkullcapComix)
19 years ago
Thats the plan, Stan. Hopefully I get un-sick real soon so I can focus my eyes again. I think whoever invented medicine for cold/flu didnt have artists in mind.... who gets sick on Christmas week 3 years in a row anyways? ....*sigh*... yeah.... me.

King_Pong's avatar
19 years ago
I've already passed the 10 page mark... but I'm not even halfway finnished. I don't think we'll have much of a problem outdoing them - I'm more worried about outdoing everybody else involved in this... You better all do good work.

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
Alright, Armageddon is almost done and over with folks! And I'm feeling uber inspired to outdo all of those guys in this fight! Lets give this one our all!

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
Pon did the line work, galvo did the colors. But now we need a new header for the Battle royale soon... ;)

mr. robot's avatar
mr. robot
19 years ago
this is exciting. who the fuck did the geddon header? awesome.

mobiusZero's avatar
19 years ago
All of you shall meet you're fate. I wish all of you Good luck.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Hell, the first panel of the first page is the most challenging I've ever done. I've pulled all the stops! Liking what I got so far.

Colussus's avatar
19 years ago
and a total nearly over 150 pages.........or 200.....

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
RAWK WAR. DEIFIED. RISE TO VOTE, SIR! I'll be itchin' for this one.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Shit hot, preciate it Toast. This is gonna be insane.

DelBarrio's avatar
19 years ago
LOL DIE 8D Seriously, though~ this outta kick-ASS.