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Igor vs Rtv!

2 Weeks
Regular Match


Igor vs Rtv!
By Jake
chat_bubble 9
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Final Score: 6.01
Igor vs Rtv!
By Rtv!
chat_bubble 9
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trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.95

Comments (9)

Caravaggio's avatar
16 years ago
Rtv, I like the progress the art is taking, cleanliness aside, but the stories always seem kind of fragmentary. I understand he has a continuous ever-evolving arc but something about each episode makes me think I'm missing pages for some reason. The story curve isn't there I guess.

Nibbles's avatar
16 years ago
RTV--The only thing I tend to not like about your stuff is that sometimes I don't understand what you have drawn the first time I read it, then I also agree with what angieness said. But other than that it was pretty boss.

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Jake-this looks better than your previous battles but there are still a lot of things you should work on. I think the big things to focus on at the moment are perspective and anatomy. You did alright with the perspective for pretty easy shots, but pages like the first page look a little off to me. The eyes are a little spread out in some panels, remember that there should be just room for 1 eyeball between the eyes. Layout wise your gutters are looking cramped, remember that the size of the gutter reflects the amount of time between panels, try to give your panels a little room to breath! The battle is an improvement for you, just try to focus on fixing up those things for your next battle. RTV-You really have got to clean your stuff up dude! The pencil lines and rough scans really hurt your quality. I also want to see you step away from motion blur and keep the digital effects away from your traditional lineart. While I was glad you established RTV's abilities with Gum, this felt really short and Igor really didn't feel like he was part of it.

Jake's avatar
16 years ago
Damn I totally thought I had till tomorrow. WHOOPS. CRUNCH TIME like a bucket of broken glass in a trash compactor.

Santana's avatar
16 years ago
Looking forward to this one

Rtv!'s avatar
16 years ago
You soooo totally stole me away from another opponent. Come play me a love song in prison.