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Ben vs Chia-Hui

3 Weeks
Regular Match


Ben vs Chia-Hui
By carlito
chat_bubble 26
star star
Final Score: 5.68
Ben vs Chia-Hui
By squid
chat_bubble 26
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.84

Comments (26)

squid's avatar
16 years ago
Kozi: Well honestly, I don't pay attention to what brush I'm using xD.. if it's the size I want, it holds ink and the bristles don't fall off as I'm working it's good for me... So I think it was a Royal Gold #4 that I used? Or maybe it was a Royal Gold #1? Or possibly a Princeton Round #3?? Jetaime: I used gouache instead of ink, that's what it is.. It's more difficult to use and I only did it because I was running low on ink... but it came out kinda nice as you said, so hey :D Everyone else: Thanks!

Jetaime's avatar
16 years ago
carlito: i think pushing your jokes a bit further or just giving your scripts a couple of read-throughs before drawing would help to make your comics more entertaining. squid: is it a really rough paper you're running your brush on that causes that textured line? it reminds me of a line that would come from a crayon or a grease pencil, and i think it suits your style perfectly. lovely.

Jack's avatar
16 years ago
Okay now that you've explained your comedy intent, I can kind of see where you're coming from Carlito. The problem was was you weren't EXTREME enough for the jokes to work. Fist of Furries, I wish I'd gotten a crowd shot of a bunch of furries, maybe furry announcers, and the announcers making fun of his efforts should've really been more cruel. The way you did it felt like you were whining about how you're treated here, no offense. That would've come off better as like \"Desperation, the final attempts of a total dickweed failure. This fighter has had his ass kicked up and down nearly every street in this city and it looks like he's finally ready to embarass himself in front of an enormous audience,\" or some such shit. The other big problem is CH looks about as calm as a hindu cow while getting his ass handed to him. An asskicking is funnier if the person getting their ass kicked actually reacts and shows pain. Overall though, not bad, but I feel like you could do better. Squid, My only wish is for more backgrounds, you did good work here. Solid.

Kozispoon's avatar
16 years ago
Carlito- what I had in mind has already been said, but I can understand your intent of the comic now that you've explained it. Its not the most ideal way to get a comic though- gotta have your story explain things for us. ;) We wont have the luxury of the artist about to translate. All in all it was good, but I'd like to see you push it and make it great. So far your fighter doesn't seem to have much of an identity in his battles (save his BB) The fist of furries was really funny though. Squidman- Woman rock it and roll it :D Just the quality I was expecting from you. I really wanna know what kind of brush you used for all your linework, it looked totally slick :D You have such an eye for composition and layout of your panels that it almost feels like I'm watching a cartoon. Kudos indeed.

Kuro's avatar
16 years ago
carlito: was fist of furries all your idea? not bad. and i did enjoy how you dre joe rogan as unky herb simpson. in that aerial shot of the stadium, it's a little goofy how you just black out the rest. same could be said for the arena & the backgrounds during the fight. don't be afraid of detail & detail your backgrounds, then work on darkening them or blacking them out later. i mean look at a ufc fight. yeah the audience is largely in the dark but you see the first couple of rows at least. figure them in & go darker. maybe do that hatching you do. but it looks like they're fighting in the vacuum of space a bit more than a crowded arena when you black it out entirely. also, i think people'd like your character better if he wasn't so emo. usually the hero in kung fu movies is a boy scout & will typically have a flat affect, but that doesn't mean he's mopey & that's kinda how your guy comes off. try making him more coy or something, & i think he'll be a bit more appealing. squidward: the fact you actually went through the hassle of (at least making airlight go through the hassle for you) translating things is bad ass. and nice brush technique. you did the dynamic angle thing some people on the site go for but did it right. just the right amount without making it look too silly or ridiculous. it read really well in the confines of the comic. -J

Craqued's avatar
16 years ago
squid: 'BAH.' that was so cute dude, great textures and flow. some of the anatomy when in perspective was skewed some but everything was really consistent and nice <3 carlito: just keep at it bro, it was nice to see everything inked and the paneling was good!

Punk Jax's avatar
Punk Jax
16 years ago
Wow. These battles were so awesome. I only have one word for each. No, not really. Carlito - The was sorta depressing. I know C-H could stand up for himself more than that. And lol, nice view. ;D Squid - Amazing, Witty, Humorous. I give you 2 internets. :3 Only complaint is the same as Angie's.

squid's avatar
16 years ago
Ben's looking pretty hot there, Carlito :3 It looks like you had fun with her, totally cool. angie: whoa, that was lighting fast. Thank you for getting the battle up so quickly! saintpio: hmm where was it confusing? monday: wait huh what?

Monday's avatar
16 years ago
Are you Serious ? Ben is using MSPAINT ! INSTANT WIN

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Carlito. I didn't really like the story, it was kinda depressing but the art seemed better. It was good that you did everything in your own style. Squid. I loved his final attack running away from him and the way you drew everything. Also the angles and stuff were really well done. Just sometimes it was a little bit confusing to follow what was happening exactly but it all worked out.

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
BTW Squid, I just now got your email, I'll see if everything can get fixed

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Carlito-Daaaamn dude, this seemed really defeatist to me. You might not be intending to come across that way but it felt like you were going into the battle feeling as if you didn't have a shot. Whether or not that is the case, you should always go into battles to have fun and to learn, if you lose it's no biggie. Now if I'm reading too much into it ignore that, but that's how it came across to me. I would have liked to see some people in the crowd, even in a dark place like that you're still going to see at least the first row or so of people. They don't have to be all crazy detailed or anything but at least implied. I think this would have been a lot more successful had Chia-Hui interacted with Ben, I just really wasn't feeling what was going on in this. You did a nice job drawing the announcers and I was glad you interpreted Ben in your own style instead of trying to do Squidman's style. There's some improvement here so just have a little more faith in yourself. Squidman-I really loved the technique you used here, it worked very well for the style of battle as well as Chia-Hui as a character. I enjoyed the interaction between the characters and I loved Carlito's sheep attack. You had some nice things going on and I hope you continue to experiment with different styles and techniques as different opponents come your way. I think my only complaint is the 4th panel of the 4th page the motion lines are looking kind of odd.

Kozispoon's avatar
16 years ago
Whoa, totally wasn't expecting this. D: Lets see some zany battles yo!

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Oh yeah, I forgot about the sheep. Go Carlito!

squid's avatar
16 years ago
Come on you guys, he has a sheep!

Monday's avatar
16 years ago
Jeez Squid you're all over the place.

Dimension's avatar
16 years ago
D: oh shnaps! good luck you two ;)

Kuro's avatar
16 years ago
hahaha of all the classic mismatches. looking forward to yours, squid -J