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Chia-Hui vs The Shepherd

3 Weeks
Trophy Match


Chia-Hui vs The Shepherd
By saintpio
chat_bubble 17
star star
The Shepherd
Final Score: 5.77
Chia-Hui vs The Shepherd
By carlito
chat_bubble 17
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 6.74

Comments (17)

Red's avatar
16 years ago
carlito: I thought it was pretty good overall, the little touches of red were really nice. But, you lacked backgrounds in a lot of panels, but the few that you had were pretty good. Looks like you improved alot! You got my vote for quality. saintpio: I just love your stuff, ahaha. I gave you the vote for entertainment, definitely. Your facial expressions just get me ever time, page 2 last panel especially. Art wise it looks like you improved. but still there's some things you need to work on of course: I appreciate the fact that you had *something* in the background, but you should really add something more than a gradient. This stupid flash thing actually helped me out a lot with background drawing: . Also, when making shadows on your figures, try to keep the lighting consistent. And try to make the shapes of the shadows into a more elegant shape, sometimes it seems like your are putting a shadow right over a line you made for a fold. Look up pics like and study how fabric folds on the body especially on the arms! Also, you might want to try to cut down on the number of pages you do so you can really focus on quality over quantity you know? good luck!!

JoshuaEliGilley's avatar
16 years ago
Saint: Your shit is so out there and creative dude! just, fuggin crazy and unique ideas, I like it. I think your stories are entertaining because of this, and the random things like conspiracy theory #3. I think with experience, and your art levels up, your comics will kick major ass. Draw from life more, quickly, do quick gestures of people on the street, of buildings, whatever, this will help with structure of your forms, your art just needs more influence from real life. Coloring, ditch the gradients, i'd rather see the flat color. Chia: Damn dude, your art is looking better! Much better character consistency in this fight, keep it up. The story was better than usual, some ok dialogue, but I think it's kinda cheesy when you mention the trophy match stipulation as a story element. Could have been handled more subtly. Page 8, last panel I think if the staff wasn't cut off by the edge of the panel but contained within it, the action would read better. Also, the devil should have said ass not butt. All in all tho, I see improvement, keep pushing yourself. Nice fight yall!

nogetdue's avatar
16 years ago
saintpio + Humor: The deranged old geezer routine at the beginning, and the senseless police brutality towards the end helped with the heavy conclusion. + Facial expressions: Characters clearly conveyed their emotions. - Backgrounds: Explore using blacks and shadows more. You could describe shapes and hint at structures using silhouettes. - Line quality: If a line should be straight, draw it straight. If a line should be curved draw it curved. More effort in technical execution will help immensely. Favorite part: 3rd panel on the final page. The posture of the demon and his flowing cape are classic. carlito + Environment: You did a good job of establishing the location one page 3. + Execution: Good line quality. Very nice hatching in places. - Environment: The backgrounds sort of disappeared towards the end. What happened to the stall? All the shoppers? The middle panel on the last page would have been a perfect opportunity to show the aftermath of the fight. Favorite part: Page 4, the close up on the sheep’s face. Cute and deranged at the same time.

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
You told me this was gonna be a crap battle on your side! I had my hopes up for my first win. It was really entertaining, this to me is the first comic you've done that's better than your intro. I think there's still things you need to work with, like the faces seemed a bit weird in some places and in page 3 one of the background guys there looks out of place with the proportions and stuff but, even with those things, I found it really fun to read. My advice is looking at your stuff through a mirror or holding the page up to the light backwards so you can see those little things that your eye might have gotten used to. My favourite was pg 4. The paneling is just cool and the sheep looks funny. That was a nice trophy too. You took it easy on me, but does this mean I have to wear your karate uniform now? I don't know what cell shading is but it probably doesn't matter for me now anyways. I'm going back to learning ink cause I just like it better and it makes me feel more like an artist when I have a brush in my hands. I just hate spending all my time in front of the computer. I've got a really good idea for a beyond battle which I thought up on the train today, so I'll get started asap. Thanks for all the crits and votes, I take them all into consideration as always.

Dimension's avatar
16 years ago
Sweet battle guys! It looks like you both tried pretty hard on this. @saintpio: This was pretty good :3 The colors are alright. They wood look nicer, if you had a more defined light source. The story was also cool, but I think it was a little too short in my oppinion. Lookin' nice though! :D @carlito: Nice backgrounds on this! I see you've improved in many ways :) the action was still a bit confusing, but not as much as before. I also liked the the page layout on this battle as well. Keep at it man! :3

Angie's avatar
16 years ago
Saintpio-I really enjoyed the story here, it was so twisted! You're improving, just continue to work on your anatomy and your backgrounds especially. The backgrounds kind of disappeared after the first few pages so that's something to watch for. You may want to be careful with using gradients for anything, it doesn't look very good against your lineart. I'm interested in seeing where the story goes on your next battle since this really got me curious. Carlito-You really stepped up on this one! I'm glad to see you doing more with your layouts, it really helps a lot. You're also doing better with your choice of shots. The lineart has also improved quite a bit. You're still having some trouble with action though, while it was much better here, some of the closeups made what was going on kind of vague to me. Like on page 5 I was confused about what was hitting him in the face. But other than that this was a pretty big improvement, keep working on it!

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Uploaded. I get a bit lost when it comes to computer stuff but I thought I'd give it a go. I don't think I'll be doing this kind of thing again in a hurry. Hope it's not crap...

Mister Kent's avatar
Mister Kent
16 years ago
monkfiiiight Play with your sticks and make it awesome

saintpio's avatar
16 years ago
Yeah. I figured there can't be 2 bald guys dressed in robes with a stick. One of has to be put in their place.

Phill's avatar
16 years ago
I bet somebody is gonna get an extra staff ;3