Both are pretty sweet. I see peoples comments on different things and one thing i havent seen is comments on consistancy. Drawdan you will have 2 pages where the artwork gets highly detailed and shaded well, then the rest of the pages degrade in comparasion. Carlito yours are pretty much consistant all the way through, but i think your dude should talk to people a little more often. even if he is chinese and they wouldn't understand him anyhow.
man such hostility, carlito-i read the exchange between you to, and I am pretty sure that phill was not being literal with his comments. If your going to survive Void you have to grow a little thicker skin. If you wanna death match thats cool...just make sure your doing it for the right reasons. Remember, above all Void is supposed to be a practice and learning tool while hopefuly having some fun at the same time. Lets try and remember that when the blood starts to boil.Good luck on your next battle and thx for the challenge.
*sigh* Very well Carlito, but I'd like for you to contact me first so that we can even some things out between us before we go head to head. I'm keeping the challenge in my manager, but I wanna hear from you first.
My AIM is in my profile and I'd prefer to talk on it. I don't think void is letting me send messages right now.
@carlito: you shouldn't start a battle with a page with just words, its an immediate interest killer. I'd can't say for sure which was worse: the action scenes, the dialogue, or the shadows.All lacked any actual substance. For example, when chia hui jumped off the wall to kick drednaut in the head, it was obvious what he was doing BUT the problem was that you pretty much drew the same scene twice and didn't change the angle of the action scene to a more dramatic shot. As for the dialogue read more stories and literature, THAT ARE EPIC. and for the shadows, practice drawing more life.
@drawdan: moar backgroundz plz.
Yeaa Kuro..I deff. want to fight slaughterface.He will be a blast to draw. I only retracted it because of the impending SDT and I want to focus all my energy on that if I get in. But if I dont get in, or get killed, or win the whole thing-which ever comes first- we can rumble then if your up for it.
oh.... you'll give him a deathmatch but not me. way to go champ...
drawdan! all things considered it was tight work. yeah there was a lack of backgrounds but it was understandable. seeing how well you work in a tight time frame, I was looking forward to that match that you challenged me with, seeing what you came up with over the course of a couple weeks! I was about to ask you about SDT before accepting your challenge but it's not there now. So after SDT? anyway good luck, i'll be watching!
no offence taken carlito..anyone couold knock out 4 or 5 pages in 4 or 5 days, if they didnt have kids, or work, or school, I admit I have had to rush to finish a battle on occasion..and you will too if you contunue to battle. Part of what makes Void such good parctice is learning to budget time and meet deadlines because thats what the professional art world requires. So dont worry, I wasnt at all offended by your comments. I only expounded on the drawing process I use to battle in hopes it might help someone else who struggles with time issues.
Alright, sorry mang, just a bit of shit that plopped out on my end due to built up stress... to me it kinda sounded like you were talking down to Dan about the 4 days thing. I know and you know that Dan spends as much of his time as he can on each comic. Backgrounds I'll admit while lacking on his end seems pretty understandable granted he had 2 fights to work with.
Course we also both know he should of taken these fights one at a time. So, after being lectured by void's mommy Shortfury ( ;3 ), I've worked up the testies to apologize to ya for that bit of hot air I passed at ya (another fart joke?).
So, sorry about that dude. I channeled Mokuu for a moment there, your battle looked good, and it was a level up, but since you mentioned the new design sheet, I would suggest toning down that bright red into something more pale looking dude. I would like to fight you in the future as well as I previously mentioned in the most assholish way possible, but maybe a friendly yet not so friendly scar match instead? If you win you get to keep somebody's arm or leg ya know. *nudge*
Well, I think I'm done posting in here, anything else that needs to be mentioned should probably be PM'ed to me.
I always flesh out my pages real rough first. Thumbnails..then fleshy/sketchy pages. So all the hard work was done with a week to go. Then, when I went to final detail and inks, I couldnt find the printed model sheet so I reprinted it and by that time you had posted the new one. I did notice that they changed. to be honest, I liked the old ones better. The new ones look like the model sheet for a capcom game character. But anyway, I used the new model sheet to do all the detailed inks. Ide like to take credit for doing all the work from scratch in a few days,but I cant. As far as the backgrounds go, I go skimpy on this battle because I wanted to focus on the action but in retrospect, I got a litte too skimpy.
carlito: good to hear you proclaim the underdog approach. I recommend making Chai-Hui's life very hard >:D
More black areas/shading would have helped the back alley atmosphere, but I'm guessing you didn't have time for everything (I know all too well now that my first battle is away that you get done what you can in the time limit) good job.
Draw: wheee *giggle* it's my character!
I can't help it, I was really entertained that the whole fight just spilled over into this one. Stranger isn't just an opponent, he's an element of the story now.
I think your action was much more readable than your last battle. Story flowed pretty good, but could've used a better set-up? i dunno. I guess Chia is depressed and pissed that he can't easily judge people based on appearance as good or evil.... But maybe he goes after those who look like the ones who killed his master? something. His cause could be a little more interesting/unique. Maybe write out for your own reference what exactly happened to Chia that has him on this sinner-busting mission, that would help you develop the character. Dreds seemed pretty much in character He was more interesting and motivated than Chia.
Faces/heads and their shapes are weird. Try to keep the shapes of them more consistent. Like on page 6 the 2 choking panels, I think you did a good consistent job there. I think you could benefit maybe from some construction shapes to block out your characters. For example: pick an oval-shape that you always use for Chia's head, draw center lines on that, and then turn the oval in different directions to get your perspectives, then draw details on top of those. Same goes for other characters.
Draw em simple first to get the pose, then add the details.
Also, watch those words crammed to the edge of the bubbles, leave some space there.
You're getting better at visual storytelling, just keep going, up the ante to keep us more interested.
Kinda wanted to see more from this stranger/chia story arc but thats because I was liking it so can't fault you there, I look forward to where it goes next.
Nice transition from Nameless battle, creative fight setup. People already said, Chia was a bit to eager to jump in and help Dreds, but I guess if he thought the Stranger was a force of evil. But, Chia doesn't speak english does he? I think a more introspective version of him that spoke through thoughts and actions would have been nicer, and a better contrast to Dred's attitude. Stranger was killer, nice touch with his word bubbles. Too bad about the page order. Was confused by Dreds flying through the air in the 2nd panel of this one, but the missing page helped that.
Art wise looked good aside from what's been said. Once again, Stranger looked badass. Good inks as usual, and your visual storytelling is good, even with all the crazy action going on in these 2 comics. Much respect for that. Only thing that really bothers me is the heads in panels here and there, most look good, but some look odd. Faces are consistently good, but especially when the heads turn...problems.. I notice it more on Chia and supporting characters than Dreds. Maybe more drawing from life your friends and families heads in dynamic turning positions and such? Life is always the best teacher.
Overall great job, I also liked how these two fights weaved together. Drednaut double dose of damage, killin em.
Fun stuff.
Carlito - Much improvement on your panel layouts. Love the story, watc your perspectives. and keep experimenting.
Drawdan - Good stuff, i would suggest pulling and pushing the camera angles for more establishing shots. Some really awsome panels.
Keep working it guys!!!
Voodoo? which artist were you at six flags? kiick me an email. Good to hear from another caricature artist,since our boyz jerry and domo arnt around any more.
Carlito: Not bad! You had an interesting set-up that I think had some potential. I think the problem is the way the story was told. There was no build-up, for one thing... I don't entriely buy the way Chia was scared into attacking Dred or even how Dred got worked up over a noise in some trash cans... Maybe what it needs is some panels showing why these characters are doing what they're doing...not even spelling it out for us and making it plainly obvious, but just *something*; like, just as an example, perhaps if you had shown Dred being startled by the rat... just one panel... I'd have believed that he was just jumpy... Does that make sense? I think that trying to show a character's motives, or just something to hint at the reasoning behind their actions, would help a lot.
Drawdan: I think that loosening up and adding a bit more style to your art would give more interest. The fight wasn't bad, but the art itself is sort of lifeless... I would suggest just loosening up and exagerrating poses and such in order to convey energy. You know? Also, the set-up could've been better. I don't understand Chia's motives here, Dred just kind of pops in and then they fight together even though they've never met.
I really like page 4, though.
Carlito-I do feel that this was a step up for you from your previous battle. The panel composition was better and I did notice that this stuff didn't appear referenced. Try to keep working on consistency and building your own style and you'll continue to improve. I would like to see you work more on your backgrounds, the brick wall gets a little boring after a while. Also don't be afraid to be more dynamic with your layouts when you're doing action sequences. I would like to see you focus more on your story on the next round, it might help to see why he is how he is so we can get more attached to Chia-Hui.
Drawdan-there's not much I can say here that I didn't already say on your battle with Stranger. I did notice that Chia-Hui and Drednaught had the same face throughout most of the battle though.
@Carlito: I suggest working on your anatomy, it has this chubbiness to it. Drednaut’s head also looked a bit square-like, perhaps attempt to draw out the skull of the character first, then add the other features of his head? Also in a lot of panels especially on page 5, Chia looks really small in comparison to Drednaut. Aaaand throughout most of you comic, there wasn’t much to look at in your backgrounds, just a brick wall a few other things. Try to draw more than just solid brick walls. I used to just draw nothing, but bricks for my BGs too, but then I realized that it does get a bit tiresome to look at nothing, but bricks. Another thing I’m a bit confused as to why Chia attacked Drednaut, but maybe that’s just me.
I do like your shading style though, I think it’s pretty cool ;3
@Drawdan: I read both your battles but, I’m just going to leave my comment on this one.
Sweet inking man and I agree with Voodoo about the cars, looked awesome! One thing that bugged me though was the expression on Dred’s face on page 3 on the last panel. He seemed very clam instead of surprised, not sure if that was intentional. Also The hands on your characters a just a tad bit big sometimes.
Good job with this battle guys! :D
Don't get worked up over it Carlito. Just be cool, roll with what you get and keep puttin out more battles. I'd like to see you explain your character a little more thouroughly in your next battle. I just didn't get his motives this time I guess. Seems like he's suppose to try and be a good guy but He's full of revenge, attacks other good guys (and loses) and sits in a dark alley in his spare time. Maybe work a little more on dialogue.
Dan ol' caricature drawin' pal from Six Flags MD, These last 2 battles are amazing despite being out of order. Your Lines are crisp and I love the vehicle wreckage you's been playin with. Would have liked to seen these 2 comics go a little deeper and maybe continue the Dreds Saga you've been telling but it was just a 3 page minimum so I guess I cant hold lack of substance against you. My only complaints is that you must not be able to upload your pages correctly (thats a joke).
Comments (39)