I can't draw panels on seperate pages. However, my scanner always shows a big black bar in the middle. Makes me scan the page, turn it upside down, scan it again and paste it together.
Time constraint was also an issue.
So the next fight is either pre-drawn or has a longer deadline.
Either way i'm warmed up for anyone, step up!
Thanx for viewing guys. -_-
not bad.
RTV: do you draw each panel on a separate page? because i was really distracted by how the quality of the linework/ quality of the scan/hue of the lines seemed to change with each panel. it's cool to do collage pages, but be consistent about it. other than a lot of joe mad anatomy shortcuts, not bad.
orenkie: that portal ugh haha. but yeah, we discussed that already. not bad. just work on the consistency of your anatomy & perspective.
Pretty good you two.
RTV: Awesome, wouldn't mind a fight against you either along with Draw here. Only a few weird things seemed to bug me, mainly the quality of the linework, it started to get a tad messy towards the end, and on a few occasions the linework just seemed to look blurry in some areas. You gotta just adjust the levels a bit to clean up a few things here and there. But other than that, this was a pretty good read. Looking forward to more!
Orenkie: Glad to see you're still going strong, and this is looking a lot better than your previous fights. My only complaint is that whenever somebody talks... they don't open their mouths. All I'm currently seeing is :] and :[ . You can't limit yourself like that dude, part those lips, show those fangs! There's a whole range of emotions that you cut out when you just make everybody literally tight lipped. Other than that however, you put your best foot forward and made a good show mang. Let's see you keep on going now!
I liked both halves here, but my vote is going with RTV here.
I think this is my fav. battle from you RTV. Strong inks and great action, worthy of a fast moving Aeon Flux short. Dont stop now...Dreds is waitin for ya.
Nice Cameo Rtv i guess it's about that time already. cool cool
great backgrounds and panel layouts good job all over the action was very good as was the detail. i have to ask though were you planing to color this before time ran out because alot of the scenes are very high i liked how you drew Haruka alot the outfit is kinda Gambit esque and i dig that thanks for the cameo message me we need to talk.
Orenkie I like the effort one thing i would like to know is if it was short because the level of detail took more time than usual or if you were just too busy with life shit sometimes that happens to me all in all nice improvement
JoeMadDisease?? Ugh, and i thought i got rid of that when i got the KeronGrantVaccine 5 years ago.
I'm really grateful you pointed that out man, seriously.
RTV! - Been working on your stuff I see.... The artwork has improved in all areas. Action and all is pretty good. I'm not really up on all of the story, therefore I'll reserve comment on that other than it seems to follow an ongoing storyline. Good stuff. BTW....beware of the JoMadDisease.
Orenkie - WAAAY better than your other stuff. Would like to see more of your guy though. Story seems to lack a bit. Good effort.
Oren, i'm glad to see you finally put in some more attention to detail and paneling....cuz yer panel layout used to be shite! I like how you drew Hima and Radios when they're older...and Rama is a girl now?? Talk about alternative futures, lol.
If our fight was read in different order, it would fit together nicely. Also, when you have limited time to draw, make sure the dialogue adapts to the situation. There are plenty of ways to tell a story in a small ammount of pages, but you didn't tell the story till the last page. I had the feeling most of it was focused on Hima's ability.
Overall the quality of your line art has finally stepped up and you got Rtv's character and speech nailed down pretty well. The rip/black hole through time and space was hella awesome.
Finally, i ask of you to be a bit more selfish in your upcoming fights and reveal more about Radios and develop him a bit...cuz i'm still aching to see him do some damage. I hope your next fight will be the first one that has some action and i'll be there watching it.
You did good for two weeks, glad to still have some loyalty in the team. :)
RTV: Very nice! I love the art and the story was done quite well. You incorperated all the characters pretty well. I guess it pays to have so many connections in void hehe. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out in your next fight(s).
Orenkie: Umm, is this complete? I know you said you had problems with the uploader so maybe you didn't get them all there. For what it is right now it's okie I guess. It made a nice intro anyway.
hah hah ha! its awsome to see so many powerhouses out in one month. I'm coming back soon and i definately have a storyline that involves most of you, i hope to Battle Rtv, RJ and Drawden soon... you guys rock!!!
Actually, RTV!, I'm going to submit the previous pages for our old battle in a beyond battle soon. If you'd like to challenge me, that's cool, but it will have to be a fresh set. My last two battles need to be resolved and our battle was in between those (rbosck, RTV, Rebl Rch). I'd like to get the confusion and so on out of the way, and start Nameless fresh. Good luck in your battle.
Good luck to you as well Orenkie.
It's good to see you fighting again RTV, but I wouldn't mind joining Draw in fighting you, and maybe him as well.
Orenkie, do your best man, there's a little crippled boy who wants you to win, I know this because I crippled him myself, and I told him I'd return if you didn't go all out.
Redemption and retribution go hand in hand. That is why you're next, however..i'll be uploading the pages exactly as they were, there is nothing i can add since they are 12 pages i had to cram together anyway (shoulda followed your advice about panelling).
I also want to see what you drew back then. (yeah i know 10 months ago)
If you agree to these terms i shall offer you a 7 day challenge when this one has 7 days left.
*Dreds no worries. I've been aching to fight you since the day you defeated my fallen brother.
I actually didn't intend on returning, but this is personal. Now that i'm here anyway, might as well make the worst of it. :D
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