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Katka Katarina vs Satin

3 Weeks
Regular Match


Katka Katarina vs Satin
By Majikura
chat_bubble 39
star star
Final Score: 6.74
Katka Katarina vs Satin
By rabbitrabbit
chat_bubble 39
star star
Katka Katarina
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.15

Comments (39)

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
good job. I wonder what you're gonna cook up in your next battle.

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Thanks for the crits, everyone! I think I've learned enough from this battle to make my next one twice as good as this one.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Sorry if I aint playing favorites this time Kura, but the other artist's seemed more delicious than yours by a few points.

Kozispoon's avatar
17 years ago
Rabbitx2- Beautiful work for your debut! :) I really enjoyed the story- not to mention the funny little afterword. Not only did we get introduced to Katarina,butthe artist as well. I really dug that. The flow and action of your comic was really straightforward and clean. All in all pretty good. Kura- I really dug the quentin tarantino-esque approach to your story by starting anywhere but the begining. Leading the reader through twist and turns with different days and whatnot. It really accumulated and exciting build that unfortunately had no payoff since you decided to leave us on a cliffhanger. The entire story WAS a cliffhanger and thoroughly entertaining- it really could've used an ending. Great work you two! May the best lady win :)

Hitsuzen's avatar
17 years ago
I'm going to comment as the casual reader, Rabbit Rabbit: Your battle was clear and easy to follow, and had a real ending when you contained the little story without going to a \"to be continued.\" Readers don't like having to work to understand a story, so kudos on holding my interest through the comic. Kura X: I'm sorry, I was so lost at to what was going on. It felt like I opened a book in the middle and tried to read from there on. I just, I don't really know what happened XD at all. And the \"to be continued\" killed me too because I thought at least it would be summed up at the end and I'd get a chance to understand something. --Okay I reread it a couple of times, all I got was that Kat banished something that wasn't a demon and maybe Satin tricked her into it? Besides that it was all jumbly. : D

jonas's avatar
17 years ago
whoo! go RR! you put up quite a poignant scene there~

Bittermause's avatar
17 years ago
Kura - On the contrary, I find the quality in your battle much improved compaired to your last couple bouts. I also like how you cross hatch her ribbons...makes them easier to view when attacking especially. The fight scenes were excellent, and the techniques used were cleverly presented. Unfortunetly, The story didn't grip me like your previous ones. Maybe I'm too picky but, it felt like not enough was explained. Why did Satin ask Katka to go after that anthro? How come Katka was tied up to the pole earlier before? Despite this, I think you did a fine job. RabbitRabbit- Great job on your first battle dude! Storywise, it was well paced and fleshed out from start to end. Your experimental use of color and ink kept the comic unique and interesting, and Action sequences were also well illustrated, particularly on page 4. Your sense of humor also made me loolz, especially the afterword. Now the cons...the dotted tones could use some variety work, as I notice that larger dotted tones in smaller panels can make the artwork very hard to see. ( EX: page two on the bottom ) As I said, I love how you experimented with coloring and inking the panels, but there were some panels that felt flat and lacking in detail. ( EX: is when she's following the demon on page 1.) Perhaps play around with shadows more when you do minimal panels like that in your next comic. But really this was a good read, and a great start for you. I await your next match, and lets hope the next one is soon <3

Kotori Ky's avatar
Kotori Ky
17 years ago
Kura: The triple backtracking wasn't really as smooth as I would have liked. I agree with the idea that one longer set flashback is easier to read and less choppy. Aside from that, I enjoyed this in that both ladies had nice moves, both seemed in character(when I could tell when/what was happening), and the inking was very nice here. It seemed empty at times, however. RabbitRabbit: For the most part, I enjoyed a lot of this battle. The paneling was nice and the pacing was smooth enough. However I'm not a fan of the style choices with color and the dot-shading. Those made it hard to see at times or didn't match the tone of the actions. The lack of coloring in one area compared to coloring in others made it seem sloppy. I think tightening up the lines would help, too. I wasn't fond of how you portrayed Satin, too. She came off as very flat. *shrug* All in all, an interesting battle.

Aluísio C. Santos's avatar
Aluísio C. Santos
17 years ago
Yeshh! Kura: Whoa, great job with the inking! This is way better quality wise than your last fight with Veronica. I found the concept interesting too, even though last page is confusing, or out of place, dunno. It could have a time sign like the others, or something. You also left out when and/or why Satin hang Katka in page 4. Rabbit: Haha, I love Katka's vibe. Do you know JoJo, by any chance? I liked a lot your story, as well as the art, even though I feel you get a bit shaky when it comes to close-ups. Great job!

Majikura's avatar
17 years ago
i wanted to try telling the story backwards. you know, something new. no real reason behind it.

Mokuu's avatar
17 years ago
Rabbit: You made my mind twist in so many ways during your part. From annoyed at extra descriptions ( adding stuff like \"THIS IS A DEMON\" eventhough you clearly illustrated it.) to laughing like mad at the lesbian cracks on a possible KatarinaXSatin relationship to fustrated at how Satin was represented as some kind of retarded bloodthirsty kid to giggling at the next lesbian cracks. As for the artwork, the dot-toning feels overused, you nearly hid a couple of figures by spamming it on the panels. Also, why did you select a cool color as blue on a scene where Katarina supposedly gets IMPALED? Why did you dismember certain background during the fight scene? Anyhow its a good first fight, good luck with your next ones. Kura: From the start, hated the triple backtracking. Why? It felt like things were dragging on and made me wonder why you didnt just make a single/complete flashback sequence of the whole thing. The triple backtracking rarely works, even in anime, imagine if we had a dragon ball z episode with that kind of stuff? After each page i just kept looking at the number of remaining ones wondering if id actually see the end of this episode and well i didnt. As for the art itself, your figures are there but the backgrounds are missing in most parts. Ive seen you pull of better in the past but i guess the script changes killed this one. Have you tried thumbnailing your pages in advance and have the writing come after?

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Wow, Kura... yours was so much more interesting than mine. Curse you and your mad storytelling skills. D: It looks like you had a lot of fun with Kat, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Excellent job! Even unfinished, it's quite a ride the whole way through. :D

Majikura's avatar
17 years ago
there we go. I dont epect to win any quality awards this time around, and im embarassed i wasn't able to finish the story. I apologize to rabbit rabbit for the delay...i changed the script four times during the process and that's why it took so long -_-.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Oh those 8 comments. I was being mean on those days prior to Mike Flores leaving an insulting conclusion on a different forum in which I will not explain, but ask Kura about it. Anyways back on topic. Rabbit Rabbit what did you brew up for us if it were to be live at this time?

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Kura got an extension, merc. PS: STOP COMMENTING. 8 comments of saying absolutely nothing on ONE battle that HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET is OBNOXIOUS. Seriously, you're making a pest of yourself.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Kura what's the hold up, I've been looking forward to seeing what both of you have been cooking up since the timer started running.

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Uploaded! With this battle, I skipped the character development and went right to the senseless violence. Not something I hope to make a habit of.

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
17 years ago
KuraX has requested an week extra for Kura only....RabbitRabbit must still submit on time...first match and all that

Silkworm's avatar
17 years ago
merc, STFU. Quit being an ass. That aside, good luck Kura, I'm rooting for you! :)

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
I like the current avatar for Satin. It makes it look like he spent some good amount of time to draw it up over doing it out of bordom.

Monday's avatar
17 years ago
your old icon was better :<

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Anyway, Kura are you nearly done yet? Because :censored:.....

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Oh, cool, Satin's Design Sheet is updated. :D Now that I'm COMPLETELY DONE WITH ALL THE PENCILLING. ...That's okay, my version can be the secret hidden costume you get by pushing \"select\" on the title screen.

James's avatar
17 years ago
Mercenarybdu you need to chill out. You've made 15 comments on this site and almost all of them have absolutely nothing to do with the actual battles kura is participating in. Keep the chitchat to aim, private messages or yourself.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Satin's avatar looks a bit better now that it don't look more like you drew it over night.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Kura you on it already, I've already finished cooking breakfast, and dinner many times while waiting for your word.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
I hope this one is ten times delicious than the last.

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
That battle ya just posted Kura was just plain juicy and ______. Can't say it here.

Majikura's avatar
17 years ago
finally...i can start working on this...

mercenarybdu's avatar
17 years ago
Who knows, at least we will see who did the work and who didn't in the time to brew up a nice pot of stew.

Aluísio C. Santos's avatar
Aluísio C. Santos
17 years ago
Why don't you fight someone on a rope between 2 poles, like 4 thousands meters above ground? :P

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
...and halfway through drawing just the first stupid panel, I'm already sick to death of drawing cityscapes. My next battle is taking place UNDERWATER. D:

Monday's avatar
17 years ago
In Soviet void, Clothes fight you !

Bittermause's avatar
17 years ago
Give us a fight to remember you two!

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
\"Satin Ribbon Battle: Chapter, like, Eleventeen and a Half.\" XD Thank you very much for your challenge, Mr. Kura, mere words cannot express my excitement! Gotta say, I'm a little intimidated going up against a seasoned veteran on my first go.

CaptianJim's avatar
17 years ago
Woo! Go Katka! show us what you can do!

Majikura's avatar
17 years ago
>_> this was pretty obvious to happen