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Hein vs Matilda

1 Week
Regular Match


Hein vs Matilda
By M.E. Charm
chat_bubble 24
star star
Final Score: 6.85
Hein vs Matilda
By sixtem
chat_bubble 24
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.19

Comments (24)

rabbitrabbit's avatar
17 years ago
Did you guys seriously do this in one week?? I'm floored! Beautiful and amazing work from both! M. E. Charm, I think the insaaane amount of detail made up for the slightly unpolished look. I applaud your creativity with your opponents abilities. I physically flinched when Hein hit her with that car. WHAMMO. <3 Sixtem, the flat colors actually worked for me. When it comes to colors, less is more. I also like the banter between your characters. Though it wasn't exactly made clear WHY the elemental evoker had to be there when Miss Matilda is so powerful on her own.

Cassu's avatar
17 years ago
M.E. Charm : Love the action, and energy of your work, it's really damn fantastic! Although sadly a lot of this action, and story is being lost by your dialogue. It seems you spend more time drawing than lettering, and your hand-writing is really hard to read. Maybe you should try and improve that a little, or add the text in Photoshop. I am also still a little confused as to what actually happened at the end, it seems that you spend more time on your earlier pages, and rushed before the end. Maybe if you pace yourself more you can pay just as much attention to the later pages. That being said, loved the comic, I see so much potential here. :) sixtem: Loved the colour! It really shows effort when someone colours their stuff in my opinion, and you've really gone all-out. Your pages are laid out nicely, and they're fairly easy to read. You may need to be a little careful of cramming your pages with text though, the speech bubbles are making some of your pages quite crowded. Loved the character inter-action, you have a nice balance between seriousness and humour which I like. The ending was a nice touch, a good way to end a short story, and it makes you wonder what actually happened.

doomsdayblaze's avatar
17 years ago
Sixtem: There's plenty of resources in the VOID Forums. Start there, and just practice, practice, practice!

Chimaeric's avatar
17 years ago
@mecharm: your composition and action scenes were just remarkable, although that trait isn't present in some cases, such as hein's gun. Also sometimes your dialogue becomes hard to follow through, placing the bubbles all over the place. keep most of your dialogues in one place. @sixtem: i can see your style ever evolving, becoming better and better. This one was a real treat especially. color + additional pages. Some discrepencies however, some of the action scenes were a tad 2 dimensional, noticeably from a lack of depth/perception and shadows @both: i gotta say, this battle has got to be one of the best recent battles ever. Break some legs in the future you damn guys.

sixtem's avatar
17 years ago
Thanks for the critiques, guys! The all-too-quick ending wasn't a casualty of time but instead from my crappy writing skills. How can I learn to comic write? ; 0; I suck at it. This was a fun battle and I liked how you portrayed Matilda (up to the mopping floor part), Charmy.

Monday's avatar
17 years ago
OH MY FUCK, I'll be writing reports all day D:: :Fuck the OC contest:

M.E. Charm's avatar
M.E. Charm
17 years ago
\"Quit underpowering your opponents.\" That's very useful advice, thanks (without sarcasm).

Mokuu's avatar
17 years ago
M.E: Dunno what happened on your case but you need to solidify your lines and make them clearer while keeping a good line weight variation to indicate the various planes, also quit under powering you opponents, Matilda has many more survival abilities aside from chucking a last resort grenade at her opponent, seeing a more developed fight sequence would have been great since both character have a lot of possibilities Sixtem: Nice work yet variate those background colors, if you place it all the same color it flattens the picture and doesn't show a sense of dept in it. Also try more dramatic views for certain panels, like a low angle shot for the panel showing him impaled by Matilda's Lance and ETC.

M.E. Charm's avatar
M.E. Charm
17 years ago
Yeah, me too. I have learned quite a bit from working with pen/paper again on a short schedule, but it still seems like a waste. Sixtem, good youre improving and spending more effort, but this was very short and lacked a proper ending. We should both shy away from one-weekers, they're pretty much the scourge of good intentions.

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
17 years ago
quite frankly I would've rather seen both of these comics with more time spent on them

sixtem's avatar
17 years ago
Uploaded with 40 minutes to spare! I'm also emailing Wei the thumbnails right now. Let's see how well I hold up against the great Charmy. @ 0@

M.E. Charm's avatar
M.E. Charm
17 years ago
Uploaded. My first time using pen and paper for an actual battle, so don't get too excited or you will be severly disappointed.

Rodent's avatar
17 years ago
Twelve hours. Twelve hours. Too excited for a Hein battle to heed my resolution not to make pointless comments. ... Twelve hours!!

M.E. Charm's avatar
M.E. Charm
17 years ago
Patience broken, now exchanging quality for speed.

gradamay's avatar
17 years ago
Time is racing toward us till the Huns arrive Heed my every order and you might survive You're unsuited for the rage of war So pack up, go home you're through How could I make a man out of you?

Monday's avatar
17 years ago
Dude Hein is liek 5 this is loli to the extreme. TO THE EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME

M.E. Charm's avatar
M.E. Charm
17 years ago
Hot 12 year old or hottest 12 year old?

CaptianJim's avatar
17 years ago
*points and laughs at the kids in the corner* I've been waiting for a Hein battle. Lets see what happens... GET IT ON!

Monday's avatar
17 years ago
*sits unhappily in the corner with the special kids :C

c-r-ill-er's avatar
17 years ago
good luck to you both just rememeber that the back round is important just like the main person.. Draw hard Battle well