Yes! TL Bot battle! :D
Red, I loved your comic, it was very funny. The rage mode part was perfect and the TL Bot extreme was awsome. Can't wait to see your next fight.
RedRevolver! Excellent fight. I love the TL Bot EXTREME, it was completely unexpected. It was worth the wait. I can't wait to fight you when my character is up. b\"b
Ryutari told me to see this match Red.
Once my characters up, we've GOT to battle.
TL Bot is cute... but not as cute as those flying toasters from that one screensaver :D
Red, you are soooo awesome!! I LOVE TL BOT! you've made me a fan forever! The story was very entertaining and adorable. I especially love that TL bot loves kitties because I love kitties! In the same, scary way : D KITTY KITTIES! (tho this had nothing to do with the battle, it was necessary to mention kitties : D) Ahem, TL bot is just so cute! And his antics made me lol everywhere. However, the mech's hands were wonky in a few places and there wasn't much variety with the tones. The art could be spiced up a little more, but still it was awesome : D
Wei in a cover <3.....
But seriously. XD There is no way I can talk seriously about this, even tho it was drawn pretty well, and your art is so cute, what really got me was the humor, it was clean and good. Clean things that make me laugh deserve clapping. I'm not making much sense today.
Funny, funny stuff Red. I'm very impressed, told you not to worry! So, so sorry I couldn't get mine anywhere close to done. I'll finish it up soon as possible. Great job on your part.
I laughed. :D That was wonderful. Only thing that really bothered me (apart from having to peer really closely to read the banana part) was the hands. They were pretty off a good portion of the time...try using your own hands as a model if necessary.
Viperchief, sorry you didn't have enough time to finish your part. The art looks really good, and I look forward to seeing it in a BB.
RedRevolver! That was ADORABLE!! I loved it!
I saw the preview images and I was thinking, \"oh dear GOD, she didn't REALLY draw the comic like THAT, did she??\" But you didn't. The art was really good. :3
The only thing I can think of is you don't have to fill in every square inch of the page with grey, you can leave more white space for highlights and stuff.
Story-wise, it was really cute and simple, which works perfectly for the character.
An excellent debut!
Yeah, I suck. I had zero time to work on this. I had it all planned out to be great too. Work and family just took priority, sorry Red. I will finish this up just for you though, you deserve at least that from me. Hell, I'll even send the pages to you if you want em. I threw up the unfinished pages at least. Sorry again.
GAH! yeah, sending several pages on DIAL UP is quite difficult. I had to scramble to find a high speed connection and email it to wei... stupid internet.... ruins my LIFE! AT LEAST ITS DONE! IM SO NERVOUS!!
I'm looking forward to this big time. Both of you have really distinct and inspirational characters... I don't know who I'll pull for.
I'm looking forward to TL's first, and I'm hoping Mechanic will deliver to expectation. : D
Maybe I'm late to say it, but give it your all.
I'm fighting Larathen next. I would be fighting him first, but he's working on a beyond battle right now. But I would be delighted to battle you after him. Haha, that would be a damn ridiculous match!!
Ive so got dibs on TL Bot after this. how the hell did i miss such an awesome character like this?
good luck fellas put on a good show :P
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