Fun stuff. Votes to DeB for a more engaging story, although the art was pretty even to me.
DeB - Great writing, very clever. Try to get some better fonts, Comic Sans isn't very good for comics, although I must say that I'm very surprised that you pulled it off rather well. Wicked art, awesome first battle. I'd love to see what your stuff looks like colored, so maybe if you have the time next time you could give it a shot. Keep it up!
Viper - I'm liking the direction you're going with Mech, I can definitely see this going places. Dig the little cameo of the other wrench guy too. My only gripe about this is how little of a part the Streaker played, like this was more of a Beyond Battle with the Streaker just cameo-ing or something. Definitely a hard part to write for, so I'll give you that. Art was slick as always, keep it up.
Sorry Izzy, you can still throw the canisters in there and his arm can be camoflaged. I got rid of the canisters because I hated drawing them all the time. Reasoned that he could get all the drugs he needed through his mechanical arm. Glad you liked it man, I was mainly focusing on the art here and doing a bit of a build up for what I have planned next for him. I just didn't have time to go into a full fledged story. Can't wait to see your BB dude.
damn nice battle from both of you.
DeB: the streaker is both awesome and disturbing. i give you mad porps on the entretaiment, cuase it was totally hilarious.
Viper: your best work to date for sure, man.the paneling and detail is amazing. i give you kudos for your improvement. however , i do say the story is cut short so that drops the points in the entretaiment department. oh and this current set of event sorta puts me in a pickle with my BB (you re-design the mech, damn it).
i'm really impressed by your line art style and inking. However, some line weights are the same wich makes takes a bit of depht away when objects/people overlat eachother.
I love how you drew the mechanic!
The part where he smacks the Streaker with his wrench, that was some awesome shit. The responses of the people when they see that naked fat fukk..HIRLARIOUS. Meaningless text box to hide his genitals..fukking comedic. I love it.
\"I'm crapping my pants right now.\" Dude stop, you're killing me. Haahahaha can't wait what you come up with next fight.
I have to say you too have some awesome inking and detail skill. I like how you drew the backgrounds balanced with black and white.
Really cool angles you picked on panel three, my favourite is where he looks up. The pacing was excellent, but it left me hanging at the end wanting for more. Maybe if there was just one more page or a little more dialogue in the beginning it would not feel so short. But hey, short isn't always bad. Good art and detail man, this shit has really inspired me.
I'd love to fight you sometime, your style is very appealing to me.
Great work guys, i wouldn't mind seeing a rematch as odd as this match up might be.
DeB, don't listen to all them bitches who claim to be your fan; you know I'm the one and only for you, darling. I have been anticipating your first battle for the longest time (4 years), and now it has finally come. I'm so happy to see that your comic has succeeded in blowing my virginity away. Your sense of humor is what I like, and Streaker is quickly capturing my heart. What also impressed me was your amazingness at human anatomy. (I'm so good at puns). DeB, I seriously wantto battle you sometime soon, as in next year, though I highly doubt I will win. Ijust want to see you draw some more for me, and only me<3
Viper, your comic, art wise, is very well done. The city scape is amazing, and all the details are mind numingly good. I understand how time can ruin your chance at making an entertaining and creative story, so I won't go into that (sorry that I vaguely did), but I do believe that you are able to make an amazing pack of comic if you do get the chance. I say, I still think your comic is very well done, and I'm not even flattering you when I say I highly envy your talent.
DeB-daaaaamn very nice for your first fight! But dude COMIC SANS nooooo!!!!!!! You hurt my heart and soul! for some good dialogue fonts. Other than my personal life long battle against Comic Sans I was very impressed with this comic. Lovely job on the inks and the expressions. I'm a little worried about where you will take this guy, there's only so much you can do with randomly streaking so I'm curious about what you plan on doing in the future. Of course this battle was hilarious but be careful to switch it up story wise. I don't expect you to make like a big serious epic story or anything but still, some things to think about.
Viper-gorgeous inks and great job on the backgrounds but storywise I was disappointed. With a better more complete story you would have really been a force to be reckoned with in your entry. Just work on it next time, artistically you're there and I know you can do better with the story.
hey guys! tnx for the crits so far... keep them comming... what an ego boost ;P
Viper: nice work, your ink look great and I did realised right away how much more effort you've puted into it. and I REALY apreciate this. this show a lot of respect for your oponant ( me ) i'm kindda surpise about some similarities in our stories... we both put the mech in a sad mood, tired of his job and all. I can see them both as alternative version of the same fight. witch was great!
as for you guys! i'm amased about the crits on my ink... I always tough my inking was the weakest part of my art, and I do work a lot to improve it every time. so tnx a lot... I guess it show. when you work so long a a project, you kinda get in a place where all you can see are the mistake you did. so tnx again for the boost of confidence.
as for the real mistakes, Wyvern, your absolutaly right. this was even the second pass at this particular cell. the first one was even worth and I never got 100% happy with it... but sometime you gotta stop your self and go to the next page.
about the Clifhagner... I never tough of it taht way... I just needed a punch line :D At first it was sopose to end wthe the \" That is just wrong\" cell from page 3. but I wanted to give more space to the Mechanic... he's just that fun to draw... but yeah we'll deffinitaly see how he get out of the Weapon show room ether in his next fight or in a beyong battle.
as for my grammar... well.. sadly that's the best I can do with my limited english ( i'm french ) helped by MS Word
was pretty dissapointed with the stories from both.....they were both heading in the right direction, but kinda cut off short. especially on viper's, i really wanted to see more from him D:
the inks were beautiful on both. this was a tough one to vote on, they were both pretty much the same.....slightly more points to deb coz his was a bit more complete story-wise.
wyv pointed out the head thing, that was my only real problem with the quality (deb; page 3, panel 2) his neck just...dissapears D: but aside from that you drew him really BADASS. and i loved that.
haha and so it begins....
Both of you, this is one of the best well inked comic battles I've seen in awhile. You guys did an awesome job tightening the details and backgrounds.
I do agree with alot of other people's comments so I'll try not to repeat myself here....
Deb - You got my highest vote for all of the above. Great story, great sense of humor. Haha and poor grandma! Looks like the Streaker also knows how to give the youth of today the wrong impressions. What amazed me the most was how well you illustrated the Mechanic. My favorite panel above all was when he struck Streaker across the park. Very nice use of dynamics there. Only mistakes consists of small grammar errors, and the odd cliff hanger at the end. Otherwise the whole thing is aces.
Viperchief - No doubt this is one of your best ink jobs. It's a shame you didn't have more time to flesh the story out more though. My favorite part was of him smashing the jiminy christmas out of poor Froggy's camera.
Great job you guys!
Viperchief, that was pretty cool scenario and structure you got there!!! I never get to make backgrounds like those, I really need to check your stuff out.
DeB, how can you make someone frown, grin, and twitch at the same time!?!?! It was ridiculously entertaining and your style is.... so pretty <3
Holy shit DeB, where the fuck did you come from!?! I LOVE your style, your linework is great and your take on Mech was fucking badass! I totally can't wait to see more from you! My only crit comes from when Mech was floating with his boots and looking down, the perspective flattens out around his torso and his head don't look quite right. Other than that, loved it all.
Viper - dewd, although short, totally my favourite work from you so far. Awesome backgrounds, great blacks. I noticed the lack of canisters! Does this mean we'll ever get to see Mech's face? Or is the mask a constant thing? Dude, I MUST KNOW!!
Great work, the both of ya.
Hehehe, I've been waiting to see The Streaker in action... just tah see how a battle would work with him. Certainly very entertaining from your side DeB!
Viperchief, much respect for all the detail put into your backgrounds, but yer story (while interesting to read) wasn't quite as entertaining as DeB's.
solid first stuff Deb, i love the linework for sure! and great attention to backgrounds etc. I'm guessing the storyline is going to continure with your next comic, because otherwise im pretty confused. for some reason the weight of the borders distracted me? its possible im too picky on that one. i'm wondering if black fills for the panel seperation migh have made your art and seperate panel pop more?
Viper, i really like your use of solid black shading, nicely done there. its definitely a step up in your work this time and i say keep it up. lovely backgrounds as well, but that perspective panel on the first page is a little wonky to me, its like the road doesn't taper in enough with the perspective. its too bad you didn't get more done, but i hope you can continue it in your next comics.
Holy crap dude, I would vote for you if I could. That is coolest I have ever seen him drawn. Great story and stellar art.
My story isn't much, I just never have the time to delve into a deep story just for the fact I don't have time to draw it. I put a whole lot into my art on this one and am very proud of it. But even at my best, you rocked it DeB. I happily give this one to you. Nice job.
DeB - Your art and story is great and hysterical at the same time. You put a lot of good effort with this.
Viper - This comic has some great detail in your art, but DeB kind of beats it with his clean outlining. And sadly, your story isn't really much either.
Man, this is awesome. I really wish I could vote, but since it's still my first week here, I guess there's a restriction.
Anyways, DeB, the story is absolutely hilarious. I love the style you've used, and the second page with the Mechanic's initial strike nearly killed me laughing. I'm curious to see what'll happen to the Streaker in the future, and how he's going to deal with what's happened to him in the end.
Vipercheif, I felt like the story was lacking. I do enjoy your style and detail, but the creativity and entertainment aspects were honestly sort of blah for me.
okay. . .first off gotta say really cool battle you guys. . .
and secondly DeB, honestly some of the best line work and style ive seen on void to date. very very nice. . and really comical loved the humor and you drew the mechanic very bad ass.
Viper yur always raw and i love that... truely reppin void as something hardcore and not to be toy'd with...
all around tho i gotta give this one to DeB for an outstanding first match.
Oh sure that one does, mines uploaded. Not my longest but my art is better than usual, which explains why I only had time for four pages.
It better post this comment.
Good luck DeB!
well. 2 pages done so far!
i'll have to accelerate the pace a bit if I want to finish it in time... the next 2 weeks going to be very buisy at work and i'm leaving for the next week end
but so far so good, it shoudn't be such a strech to complete those 5 pages
LOL no he's not... not yet anyway! I do plan for him to get tougher trough out battles and such, mabe get a mentor someday. but for now, he's just your tipical jerk with dreams of grandeur and a tendency to uin other pepoles life.
I'm glad you're enjoying him, I'm still trying to tie the two into a story together. Streaker doesn't seem the kind to get into a fist fight so I'm looking at alternatives. I do have the ending planned out, I just got to fill in the details.
viper, now your scaring me ;D
me, i'm kidda happy with my 3 pages story. it's funny... but I've got a problem, your character isn't in it enough for my taste... i'm comptemplating the idea of adding a few page to do it justice. he's really cool to draw!
Got most of my thumbs done, mine's fairly PG-13, don't really want my three year old watching me draw penis on a big fat guy. Not at this stage in his life.
Now... I just finished the script and the priliminary lay out of my little comic, and i fear I must apologise in advence since, it definitaly will contain seens not suitable for all ages ;D
readers beware!
I was actualy the one to issue the challenge! ;D
I liked his work and he seemed free enough
on void, Timing seem to be EVERYTHING!
this will be fun
Comments (45)