dawgmaster-very happy with how your's came out, the entertainment and quality stayed throughout the match which is awesome. My only complaint is sometimes the placement and direction of the word bubbles gets a little confusing. I was able to figure out what everyone was saying in the right order and all, just sometimes it was a little hard at first.
Mad props, dawg. Very funny. And it was you who sprained your hand, isn't it? Not RJ. Sorry about the default, RJ. My advice is to try and cancel in the future so you don't get shitlisted. :|
On a side note, the love song made me laugh so hard a little bit of doo came out my butt. I might cover it a capella if you make the rest of the lyrics.
That really sucks, RJ; what a horrible time to get injured!
As for Dawgmastas, I think your coloring is teh shiznit, and I sort of agree with Wei that your art isn't all the way there, but I can totally relate to horrible digital inking, because I CANNOT ink digitally either, so yeah. But I thought it was awesome, so ha.
jesus tapdancing christ.
you guys have no sympathy for anyone.
the girl sprained her hand leave her be.
hell, you guys even ripped on fellas' work when it happened to him.
lighten up, people.
we can't always forsee these things.
So, I give up. I'm not gonna battle with J-pop for a while since everyone just wants to default against him.
And my last couple of fights, I haven't had any money to buy art supplies, so I've been doing everything digitally. My digital inking just isn't coming out as good. I've been really struggling with it. I'm guessing that's what you're reffering to, Wei. Everything else pretty much came out exactly as I wanted it to.
RJ: ...*shakes head* Better luck next time.
DM: Your stories are getting a lot better, I LOL'd at the Ariel refrence and that Cock Rockers vs. Theatre Hazard scene. Bitchin' stuff. ;D Love ya~
That comment was obvious, ironic, and asinine.
Yeah rabbit - if you can't do a good job with the time you're given, just give up and cancel the whole thing - dissapoint everybody else who already put effort into making a final product, 'cause God forbid you default. (at least in this instance you'd only have wasted one person's time instead of three people's - unlike some incompetent people on void) >;)
Dawg, I already chatted to you about your art, while it IS hilarious, I'm laughing AT it and not with it. Story was good. Jokes were good. Your drawing of hiemie is retarded.
Thanks for stating the obvious lune. And Yeah, Sorry guys. I let everyone down and especially dawg. not much I have to say in my part since sorry's don't cut it.
RJ: tsk tsk no more extensions fer you
DM: your pacing and panelling is getting better..even the layout withing the panels is improving somewhat...but your art is getting worse.
Well, I'm all uploaded. I went a little crazy with the story, and realized I wouldn't be able to finish it, so I had to break it into two parts. This is the first part. I'll finish it my next battle... or maybe a BB if I have some time.
Good luck Rabbit <3
Hey! What happened to Ancelin v. Whoa!? Oh well, this will probably be more interesting anyway lol. But hey--challenge me next, please?
On another note, I'm looking forward to explosions of many kinds, shapes, and sizes.
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