rotfl i had to make sure this wasn't a scar match xD LOL
Scarce: ;_; Jay! double-yew tee eff? v_v.I hope everything is okay =(
dawg: o_o and uhm, ^__^ very interesting approach... Deffinately didnt see that coming
Fuck it, dawgmastas, you just made me laugh my ass off! :p
On top of that, I thought you did a great job on the facial expression, the postures—hell, even the movements. Top points for J-Pop. :)
Paul Rieser + Vanilla Ice haircut = best damn scar I've ever seen.
Except maybe Magician W's vagina. But that ended up not being real. So this one wins.
As I already said, best scar left on anyone ever! Dawg, you kill me... with something... good. I don't know where I'm going with that, but I love you. <3
Scarce, dude...what the hell?
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