for those of you wondering where page 5 and 9 are, they're just not gonna show up. Sorry.
A beyond battle is in progress that will have this fight in it's 15 pages of glory.
Nice debut match, Powerz! Good job from both of you, although I have my laundry list of niggling complaints which starts right about... now.
Kura- I'm just not really a fan of parodies, unless they're done in such a total rewrite-mishmash style that you're pulling references from the entire series/pantheon to keep up. What I saw here was a Void-style reshoot of the con scenes from Genshiken, where Sasahara's wandering around on his own. Not a bad thing, as the intent is to satirize the original product, but I feel it loses something in the translation. Overall, your art was solid, if unfinished, but I found it good that the unfinished pages didn't seem to detract from the reading experience.
Powerz- Welcome to Void, I wanna fight your guy sometime and get an axe in the face. Heavy shades of Golden Boy (\"I got hit by a car! And a beautiful woman gave me cool shit!\") in the first half, but honestly I DID enjoy the switch from scary, noir-ish heavily rendered figures to simply-drawn chibis and silliness with a nail bat. I was a bit disappointed that the strong writing and pacing shown off in your intro didn't carry through the entire comic, but it showed strong on the last three pages, so that's good enough for me. XD
OMFG!!!! I LOVES IT!!!! \"And i was like 'i'm gonna rape you ass bitch'\" SOOOO GREAT!!! i love the ending chibis and the switch from serious to total cute.
Kura i like the mize fan girl club stuff, but didn't like the genshiken mix.
kura, when you were saying the quality was bad, i must tell you i was expecting worse. this isn't that bad, and some pages even look complete!
i always like the unique setting you come up with in your fights, they are amusing (3
but for some reason the last page isn't showing up for me :<
powerz....OMG PAGE 4. i love it 8D especially that last panel. looks too kickass (it's too bad you didn't do the whole fight in that style), but it gave me a good laugh. especially the \"sorry i don't speak wingding\" bit XD
umf...i dunno who to give my votes to >_O;
I uploaded yesterday as i wasn't sure if i would have time today because of it being my test week. Some pages ill'd like to of fixed up a bit, but time ran out as i was a lazy bum for the first 2 weeks and my tablet died as i was finshing my last page T_T, but thats more then enough excuses from me. ENJOY! (well when Kura's extention is finshed.)
dude, the redesign is supposed to be a surprise. Keep on going with what you got, my half would be the official redesign. Don't waste your own time on my behalf.
I was planing of having no hugo on veronica action because I don't wanna make kura x hate me anymore then he does now, but because of popular request there might have to be some. ;]
Hugo doesnt seem like the beaver type... im willing to bet he's more ofa stink-hole kinda guy.
no lube either, i presume he favours natural saliva and spittle.
i also am hoping for some skeet action. since kura is a fabric whore, please skeet on her dress. that would be x100 degrading than regular skeet.
Comments (34)