thanks again for all the coments guy, really apreciate it. I will say that I still had 3 pages left from the story i had in mind , i might submit them as a beyond battle.
Mech, I totaly wish I could have seen all that battles cuase it look juicy as hell. you would have totally owned me.
Not much to say that hasn't alreay been said--
Izzy, your artwork was good in this and the pacing was adequately done as well. I like like the concept of montages, but they are hard to pull off well without looking like a copout. The 2nd montage was done well enough as a montage, but the zoo montage with its straight linear panels felt kind of flat.
Viper, It's too bad life snatched you up, but I do know how it goes. I also just wish you'd had time to add text so that I could know what the heck is going on. Other than that, I have no real criticism.
sweet comics you guys.
viper: looks great, wish i knew what hte heck was happening in it. though thumbs up for getting complete envionments in there. and you linework is looking a little better than normal.
that was the funniest fight ever. the shot of mechanic in bermuda shorts cinches it. and the montage. good quality too, that last page where you have a hard light source and you play with those inky blacks.
Izzy: I really enjoyed your comic, the \"dating\" idea was great and it was very well executed and fun to read. My only complain is the backgrounds like it has been already said and that I'd like to see all the pages in color, instead of \"one in color, the next don't\".
Viperchief: It's a shame you didn't get to finish your comic, it was looking cool. It would be better if you have added some dialogue or sound effects.
whoops I hit post too soon. Viperchief, your first page was nice, and I sort of could see the general direction it was ging. Too bad you didn't get to finish it in time. Aixa does look pretty cool here so that is a plus.
Izzy, good battle, very entertaining and all (I really liked the Zoo page with the song, it was playing in my head lik a movie or something). My only critique is that you were a little sparse on the backgrounds (something a lot of people, including myself, need to work on). The color pages were a nice touch.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaa - Izzy, I fucking love you. You horny bastard.
VP - dude man, I wish you'd thrown some text in there so we could at least tell what was going on! The first page pinup is very nice though, and Aixa looked greatin your style. ^^
Void's audience is a suggested mature reader group. I think this is posted somewhere, i can add it to the front page if need be, but it is pretty clear i think that this is a mature readers suggested site.
I agree Viperchief's front page looks awesome.
Izzy, the zoo scene was hilarious. But I'll have to say, I've seen you more clever than this. I've a feeling had Viperchief finished he would've gotten my vote instead.
...And robot sex...the only time tetanus counts as an STD.
Izzy: One of the more finished submissons you've shown us.....makes me wish you were able to give more...this was quite good visually......but fer the love of God have someone edit yer english
Viper:I already e-mailed really need to finish this and submit it as a Beyond Battle....more importantly just finish it.....that first page was some of the best stuff you've posted
Izzy, that battle was hilariously seductive (New York Times Magazine) and entertainingly trite (Ebert & Roeper). I would have liked color on every page, but doing every other page was better than the first two, since it looks more intentional that way. Seeing the Mechanic in casual wear with his mask still on was effing hilarious. The line quality was good, too. The faces on the bottom half of page three were kind of distorted, but overall awesome work.
Viper, I'm sorry that you weren't able to finish in time. I'm sure the completed comic would have been amazing, seeing the first page and everything. I'll give you real feedback when/if you get it finished and post it in the forums.
Sorry that things came up, Chief, though that page 1 certainly is eye-catching.
Iz, that was a rocking comic. The non-colored second page was the only downside, but not coloring the fourth page was a good call. Aixa's head looks rather big on page 3, especially in the second panel. Other than that, quality was A+ work.
All this love around Void... hahaha.
It'll be my project over the next few months to finish this and show it to ya, I''m really proud of the story and think the art woulda all been the quality my first page is. Working thirteen hours, sleepin 6, trying to draw with a three year old running around and so many other things just makes it near impossible for me to get more than a half hour at a time to draw. I do plan to finish this because I worked hard on the story. I'll let you know when I do.
I fully understand Viper. life is more important. and i also apologise for my totally crapstacular comic. I learn that you cant juggle , entering a new collage , finding a job, void and all of lifes little distractions at the same time *hides ps2*
heres to hoping you like it.
Well I uploaded what I had, wanted to do so much with this but my life right now just doesn't allow time for drawing comics. So my apologies on an unfinished story Izzy, if I get around to finishing it I'll post it in the forums. I'm done battling for a while, tired of being unable to finish my projects. Too many things that demand what little free time I have. Sorry again Iz.
Comments (34)