both were good, i think satin's was neater but heimie's coloring was nice. and for some strange reason im really diggin that smirk of centipede's in the first page...i wonder why?...
Man heims that shit was way funny.HOwever,y Your comic worked out more as a skit than a fight now that I think about all the comments left here . although your use of satin DID strike some subtle chords of character usage especially when utilising the doctor as an active voice for her character, you got no complaints from me. The fuhrer is pleased.
Kuraaaaaaaa that was a lovely first battle for Satin, it had a real edgy start and I daresay really placed the mood for cullmination. Im sure better circumstances would've completed the feeling with raw effect. plus points for chip razor cameoo. and consider adding more black to ballance the whiteness and to give your line art more depth.
Kura, the pages that you did finish were great, especially your cross-hatching on the cover. Still, you lost points on not being finished in terms of quality. For your story, I think I got what you were trying to do, and props for doing it. I think some more could have been done with your piece, but shit happens, no? Get well soon, dude.
Hiemie, nice fight, even if it wasn't as funny as your other ones. My biggest gripe is that this is done pretty much like your other fights. We can't grow if we don't take risks, right? Solid fight, but I would have liked to see your opponent play a bigger role next time.
Votes to Centipete, but there were good parts on both sides.
At times, Satin's entry's lack of color made it difficult to distinguish surfaces and/or what was going on at the moment. This is a large advantage that Centipede's had; the vigorous use of coloring and shading made impossible NOT to know what was going on, while still keeping that same surreal style we all love.
Also, Centipede's was very funny, whereas Satin's was not humorous and had no plot or payoff. Centipede would have gotten off on having no plot and little payoff simply by being funny, but instead, his entry had a plot and a great and humorous payoff.
I don't have a problem with black and white, by the way. If you're going to do black and white, though, get in with shading and smudging.
entertainment wise, hiemie has a slight upper hand in this, but my biggest complain is your pages is hard to read.
Kura: nice, but I kinda want to see it abit more refined- I dunno, tones maybe?
Wasn't it lysol who cemented the joke kura? Besides, it was your choice to make veronica a porn star man remember? But anywho, hiemie, you've got alot of making up to do on this fight, and kura you'd better bring your A game!
I still dont get how Hiemie making a joke based off a story you wrote is him instigating it all, in a place like Void. But who knows. We'll see I guess... good luck both of you.
Comments (16)