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Kyra Castello vs Veronica Nightingale

4 Weeks
Regular Match


Kyra Castello vs Veronica Nightingale
By Majikura
chat_bubble 21
star star
Veronica Nightingale
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.30
Kyra Castello vs Veronica Nightingale
By stilled_life
chat_bubble 21
star star
Kyra Castello
Final Score: 6.91

Comments (21)

C Lefebvre's avatar
C Lefebvre
19 years ago
Edit: bad fingers = page 3 last panel (not page 2)

C Lefebvre's avatar
C Lefebvre
19 years ago
Um. Ok. Here goes ... Kura x: I think your character is ok. I read some of your past fights and they are ok too. What I don't like is when creators have the story in their fights crossover to the next one ... It's really annoying and I think very few can actually pull it off. Mamoru is the exception, but barely. I got lost in your story. Also, all your characters look the same. Try to vary them a little. At least give us something to differenciate them from one another. Stilled_life: At first I thought your art was exciting and fresh until I got to page 2, last panel. Yikes! What happened to those fingers!!! Also, readability a big issue here in your comic. Some parts I couldn't figure out how to read. Also, changing font and font sizes too often was aproblem for me. A Big annoyance actually. Pulled me out of the story.

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
Yay! The last pages work! Kura - I didn't like the fact that Kyra played such a small part in this piece, especially since it was supposed to be her battle. The comic itself was okay, the humor was there, but nothing side-splitting. The art was decent, not your best, not your worst. I suspect that's from BR, no? The last panel on the last page really bugs me, the pose looks very weird for Veronica, and Mize's left leg has some bendy action. On a whole, I'd say the comic was mediocre. Stilled_life - Nice battle, but I think it could have been more consistent. The places that you used hatching and cross-hatching looked REALLY good, especially Veronica's appearance on the second page. I must admit, the ending was a little bit confusing until I figured it out, in which case I thought it was a little funny and creepy at the same time. The only problem I saw art-wise was Veronica's hand on the last panel of page three. Her fingers look bent back too far, and it was a little distracting. Your story was a bit too vague for my tastes as well. This was darn hard to vote on, but I gave my votes to Kura by a smidge. I think both of you could pull off some absolutely awesome comics, we all just need more practice.

stilled_life's avatar
19 years ago
if anyone else can actually see the last two pages, be sure to leave a comment. Emailed the site people, it may or may not get fixed idk.

Monday's avatar
19 years ago
cant vote yet, kyra's pages missing . .. > >

stilled_life's avatar
19 years ago
vote peebodys We have only gotten 10 votes so far!! damn it

ElTipejoLoco's avatar
19 years ago
I can't see the last two pages of Kyra's entry because they contain errors! T__T;; Wah. Now I'm curious.

sixtem's avatar
19 years ago
Why exactly does Kura have 109 losses? EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART! I can't wait to see what the 4 horsemen look like.

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
19 years ago
short delay due to technical difficulties with Stilled Life's files

stilled_life's avatar
19 years ago
Oh crippy christ! My computer crashed last night just after I posted!! I lucked out! Can't wait to see your stuff Kura. Votes people, and give us some feed back, we put off homework for this! Be generous.

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
19 years ago
...and since Kura X also purchased an extension...the match is pushed forward

Wei Ingnan's avatar
Wei Ingnan
19 years ago
Stilled LIfe has purchased an extension

stilled_life's avatar
19 years ago
crud! due thanks giving day. turkey men, turky

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
I have high expectations for this battle. Don't let me down. ;)

stilled_life's avatar
19 years ago
Kura... all I can say is... \"oi\" Best of luck, on this and you other 2 battles you psycho

azjazo's avatar
19 years ago
go kura!!! grettings from PSOW you'll do fine

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
dont worry bro!!! you can do it!!

Majikura's avatar
19 years ago
wuh oh, this will be troublesome....