Both scripts were great and very original; I was very amused.
Kura: Great approach. Your comic had a bite to it that poked at Void and your opponent. I thought it well done and it's commendable that you decided to take this on, on top of BR. Stuff to work on when you have more time are, more consistant line weights, anatomy and more backgrounds. Good job.
Izzy: Backgrounds, backgrounds, backgrounds. The characters are great but the lack of backgrounds was just crippling the story and brought down my enjoyment alot. Aside from backgrounds (have I said that enough?) you should also work on format. I know most folks don't pay it too much attention but it's important. Format your page, make it easy to read and have it accent your work. Use format to play to your stregnths. Look at some comics and get a feel for how those guys build pages. Every page has an \"anchor\" that grounds the page and really nails it home. Presentation goes a long way in keeping your reader. To your credit, your script had me in stiches and that helped your score alot. \"That's what I'm Tolken about\" had me rollin' man. You get my vote. JV
When i clicked on this battle, I expected to be voting for Veronica, cause I've kinda become a fan, but Axia's comic was just too good. A Storm Trooper/Darth Vader appearance?
what?! me fail Engrish? but thats Umpossible.
Yeah, and if i had the chance for someone to revise it i would have done so. anywho, ill focus on backgrounds next battle, since i keep ignoring them.
thanks for the coments.
Izzy-Funny stuff, really enjoyed it. The Mech cameo made my day. Everything has already been said crit wise.
Kura-Definite points for creativity, original way to hold a battle. Made me laugh pretty good in a few spots, completely understand the \"hastiness\" of it, BR is a definite priority. I liked it.
Izzy- Oh, jeebus! Oh, man... ow, my sides hurt. The Mechanic's cameo KILLED me! It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. I have to agree with those who have said you need an editor, work on backgrounds and try different angles. I dig your style. It's got a lot of personality to it. I absolutely enjoyed reading your battle. Good stuff.
Kura- I can't say much about yours that hasn't already been said. I've seen better from you. Amusing story though! It got me smilin. :)
Good job to the both of yas!
Izzy: Funny. Original. Art is ok. Nice work.
Kura: I alos enjoyed yours, even thought it seemed a little rushed. I liked the roughness of it though. I gave it to Axia thought, because hers was more creative. Hard choice. Good job both of you.
Funny stuff from both sides.
Izzy - gotta get an editor. Get a friend, family member, stranger, whoever to give your comic a once over before submission. I'm positve that would have really cleaned up the lettering in this piece. Honestly, the poor grammar really killed the comic for me. On the other hand, aside from that, it was a very entertaining battle. The Mechanic cameo was sweet, and the nerds v. nerds commentary was very amusing. I must say, however, that your action scenes could use some work. The last three panels of page 5 were all done from the same angle at a complete profile of the fight. Toss in dynamic perspectives, I've seen you use them before. Lastly, I'm pretty sure it was a bit rushed, from the lack of backgrounds, but still an impressive battle.
Kura - funny battle to be sure, and it looks like you kept it within your abilities. Standard fight, nothing spectacular, though. Good luck with Battle Royale.
Izzy, your artwork is beautiful and your scripting is amusing. However, I really think you should start trying to push yourself. Add some backrounds, and pay closer attention to your spelling. Several words were missing letters - a simple mistake that reflects badly on your work overall.
Kura - you were rushing, it shows. The script was amusing though and I enjoyed reading it.
DUDE i like totally wanted to use that beach volley ball bit for another fight, ah fuck it, im still using it.
good fight there Kura, we were in the geek zone, eh? I apologize for all the missing details on veronica, i like tottally forgot to shade her hair. and now that i think about it i should have turn up the contrast a bit. oh well. good fight.
whoa. didnt noticed this till now. i assume that you wouldnt take the challenge cuase you already had a fight. alright then. let the Catfight begin. XD
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