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Rampage vs The Mechanic

4 Weeks
Regular Match


Rampage vs The Mechanic
By BronxArtist
chat_bubble 27
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 8.21
Rampage vs The Mechanic
By Viperchief
chat_bubble 27
star star
The Mechanic
Final Score: 6.95

Comments (27)

batosai6's avatar
19 years ago
woooo. rampage clear victor. that was pure entertainment. although it had alot of text i was forced to read it because your visuals were so good. mechanic's was good but it was too short it seemed rushed.i wish you would of pushed, i like any one who not afraid to use just black and white.

kidscribbles's avatar
19 years ago
yo these is some high quality battles here. I like the artwork and drawing styles of both of you, rampage sliightly got the edge because of his photoshop skills and he has a bit more to his story, but other than that this'll be a close one. good job guys and may the best man win.

C Lefebvre's avatar
C Lefebvre
19 years ago
Good job, both of you. You both scored highly in quality. However, I gave my vote to Rampage. Although I think The Mechanic's character design is cooler, I was surprised to give my vote to Rampage. Main reason is: I completely don't understand the mechanic's story. I completely missed the point of this battle. Anyways, good job. Keep it up.

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
Wow, thanx Killa!..but check out fuu's battles (crazy Samurai and Basil) Oooh and also the fighter Bacardi...sick stuff man!

killa L's avatar
killa L
19 years ago
bronx: this is one of the best battles on void...EVER! thank you!

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
I doubt it Kutt but I appreciate the compliment, lol.

kutthroat's avatar
19 years ago
hey bronxartist, if u woulda colored the battle u had w/kain like u did this 1, it wouldnt have even been close! that shit looks killer!

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
Thanx Phill, yea I'll try and and have more color work on here. the story had to get cut short other wise u would have seen me default on the next match i had. So the BIG BRAWL had to get cut off for now. With the time I have now (been that they wont let me in Armageddon or the Battle Royal, I may have time to add the end of that story as a BB.) Viper I'm honored you like the robots i actually had a more detail drawing of them that I like more. But yea, glad you like them. Oh congrats. on the Battle Royal - Your gonna have to represent for the both of us. Hooora!

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
I really liked both fights honestly, but rampage took this and ran with it Bronx: Very impressive man, you need to do more colors like this, and the style of art used makes me wonder if you know the alliiance crew in a way. Anywho, one thing me and Johnny noticed is that rampage's upper torsoe looks like 3 stones balancing ontop of one another, but with the mechanic we don't see that... so I'm not sure if the wonky back is a style choice for your character or not, but hopefully you'll look into it. Other than that, this was very well paced, but I think you could get away with more story next time, kinda pettered out for me at the end and I wanted to see a big brawl! But overall this is all you so far man! Viperchief: Only 3 pages!? Awwww.... oh well, looked pretty good so far, love the inks used on this, if you colored this I think you'd be even with bronx in quality for me at least. my only problem is that you didn't have enough time to work on this fight. Better luck next time I guess, but hopefully I'll see you two in the battle royal... hopefully. Both great fights, let's not stop either. keep it up or something?

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Geeze, didn't mean to comment this much. Bronx I forgot to add that all the interiors of the fortress are shit hot, excellent job, I am very impressed. That and the robots are bad ass, I'll be using them in future battles I'm sure.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Oh, and Kate, the mask thing was the only story element I could fit into three pages, which sadly was all I was able to fit into my busy schedule. I've wanted to show the effects of Mech's addiction for some time and this seemed the best time to fit that in. That and I've wanted to show him without his gas mask for awhile too. Glad you enjoyed it.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Thanks Bronx, its really no big thing man, glad you had fun with the character. Looking forward to what you do with this story as you deserve to win this one. Wish I'd put as much into mine. Great read man. Thanks Kate! I had so little time to mess with this one in photoshop unfortunately but I'll keep that in mind for my Mize fight, thanks! As for the crowding, that's my biggest weakness is planning out my pages, making them flow. Think I've improved tremendously since starting but I have a long way to go. Thanks again!

Wyvern's avatar
19 years ago
Wow guys, this was a FUN one. Rampage: Holy SHIT my friend, I am HELLA impressed. You coloured it, the whole thing! Slick my friend, slick. And I really enjoyed it actually, your art is fun (though a little funky on the anatomy occasionally), and the story was engaging. I marked you highly dude, respect!! mech: As usual, you know I love your style, but dude I didn't really get the whole mask thing. Maybe I'm just missing a backstory, I DUNNO. Oooo, tantalising look at Viper's face, me likie. Only crit: Try making the pages a little less crowded, and adjust your brightness/contrast to make the inks solid man, that'll really add a polish to it. ^^ Good job boys, you both really did well.

Live or Die's avatar
Live or Die
19 years ago
Post deleted by Toast because the user is a fucking tool.

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
Thanx Viper I completely missed your design on the ship, other wise i would have kept design. I didn't plan out the design of ship too well so it was a watever ship. Im kinda pissed of w/ some of the stupid grammar mistakes i have. Just noticed it!!! But yea I had a real good time w/ this. Anyways - hope to see us both in the battle royal. thanx too the other two ppl that commented.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
I'm very impressed with your art, bronx. Looks damn cool. Think I prefer my original design for the air fortress but you definitely get points for creativity. Sorry mine was so short, two battles is too much for me. I'll challenge you again later on. And who knows maybe they'll meet in the battle royal.

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
DAMN impressive art work, bronx. If you could pull that off every battle, you'd be number one in no time. The floating fortress looked pretty cool, but too close to Asteroid M in my opinion. Still, it was a real good fight and I can't wait to see the conclusion. Viper, cool stuff, but I think I liked your toned stuff better. Decent story and art, but nothing real extraordinary.

Y2Jenn's avatar
19 years ago
Good battle, guys. Bronx- I have to be honest with ya. It seems to me that, while you obviously enjoyed doing this battle, you didn't do much research. You would have had to look at the battle with Kate to know about Cogg. The correct look for the air fortress is in that battle as well as the battle with Phase. I like your timing and your perspective is nice as well but you took too many liberties. Which I realize that this is what it's all about... your take on someone else's stuff. These pages just felt as if you did little research through what information is available. I do like the colors. They suit your style and like I said before, I think your perspective looks good. I thoroughly enjoyed your version of Mr Cogg. :D Viper- I would have liked to see more pages. Your inks are definitely getting better and your pages (while fewer in battle) are obviously stronger. Your timing is more fluid. The improvement is there... I just need to get onto ya about battle scheduling so all of us can see MORE. Again, good stuff, you two. :)

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
Hey no problem Viper, I also had to edit my story to finish on time. Uploaded, enjoy!

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Uploaded, didn't get to do half of what I wanted in it. That's completely my fault I didn't schedule my drawing time very well with the two battles. There is a lot I'm happy with in this one though. Hope you like Bronx.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
What the hell is with all the stupid bambi comments. Knock it off.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Inking the rest of my pages today, I'll be done with plenty of time to spare. The story I had in mind got screwed up with my Mize fight being postponed so I had to go in a different direction. Hope you like it.

kutthroat's avatar
19 years ago
hmmmmmm...rampage alraedy beat me down, & the mechanic is a pretty bad-ass character too. this should b a good 1! good luck 2 both of u!

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
: ) Thanx Viper for accepting!- Go nuts Viper!

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
First time I've actually been challenged. Cool. Lets kick some masked guy ass!