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Mize vs The Mechanic

4 Weeks
Regular Match


Mize vs The Mechanic
By Viperchief
chat_bubble 35
star star
The Mechanic
Final Score: 7.54
Mize vs The Mechanic
By Mamoru
chat_bubble 35
star star
trophy WINNER
Final Score: 8.46

Comments (35)

Live or Die's avatar
Live or Die
19 years ago
Post deleted by Toast because the user is a fucking tool.

Jay's avatar
19 years ago
Mize I can't take this any longer man. Your productivity at such speed is unfathomable. All this ties into armageddon doesn't it? Shit it might as well with putting your hands to ball and chain to do all this work and all. I gotta say your incredible and i'm impressed. I'm not scared for you at all when it comes down to armageddon. Keep goin' man, keep goin' till your satisfied. Don't slow down for nothin'. When you stop we'll all be there there to pat you on the ass sayin' \"good game\" cuz the way you play your game is making you MVP.

Blindeye's avatar
19 years ago
I like how both artists have decided their characters new each other at some point. It's hard to say which artist's take on that relationship I like better, but I know I like Mize's artwork better. I also like how Mech looks as a villanish figure, though in both cases he's intruiging. I wonder who he is... (Blindeye posting for the first time since retiring Raliel.)

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Mamoru: Yeah man, just AIM me, I got you on my buddy list. The preacher and Librarian, that's awesome. Just let me know what you wanna do, I'll keep it going in my stories as well.

ManOfDanger's avatar
19 years ago
good times on saying he is a foster kid of jamie...since in mine its told too lol

Wyvern's avatar
19 years ago
Goooood grieeeef, you boys are MACHINES!!! Viper - good job buddeh, that 'son of a bishi' thing made me snicker. You know I love your style, and ooh, crazy arm, eh? THE PLOT THICKENS!! Mamoru - lawdy boy, when do you sleep?! Loved your colouring, only gripe is on the slightly wonky anatomy. Very sexy rendition of the Mechanic, and i liked how he kinda schooled Mize a bit. Mwaaaha. Great job boys!!

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
thanks everyone for the support. Jenn: yes, my apologies, in the middle of me planning the black and white in my battles, I remember that I also promised Viper that I would give my all on the battle by having him see Viper in color. But I do agree with you regarding your comment, expect a lot of black and white after the Armageddon. Bronx: Sorry man, the reason I left it out is because of the time constraints, and at the same time when we chatted last time I compared the first page with the connection of your upcoming BB, and it doesnt link as much as I dont want to, I left it out. But definitely Im still considering a link sooner or later :) Viper: Man Im still laughing right now with the \"Son of a Bishi\" comment. I really love your entry. I want to get in contact with you regarding plots and stuff since Im planning some links regarding Hagiri and the Mechanic. (Oh yeah, hope you wont mind, but the two guys in the pic with Hagiri and Mech are nicknamed \"The Librarian\" and \"The Preacher\")

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Good one Mamoru, like the color job. Story moved along great as well. Bronx-Yeah, felt it was time for a change. This one's got a bunch of toys built in, which'll probably be revealed in the Battle Royal...just not sure what they are yet. Thanks everybody for the crits, I do need to clean up my inks. Keep forgetting to look at that tutorial (thanks Pi) but I think this is my best yet. Was able to do things in this that wouldn't have been possible six months ago. I do want him to lose his arm so if I lose I guess he'll do it in a BB. Good fight Mamoru!

ESG's avatar
19 years ago
*jaw drop* These were both sweet on so many levels.

BronxArtist's avatar
19 years ago
Wow, great stuff from both of you. Mamoru- excellent colors!, I really enjoyed the dialog in the story. But you cut out my part what happen? : ) Viper- I saw you brought your A game or pretty close to it, I see cuz of our battle u got a new toy to replace the old wrench.

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
Holy crap that was awesome in digital form. Viper - props for adding some humor to your fight, Mize's expression when Mech teleported was classic. Also classic was the arm just falling off. :) I think you could do more tightening up of your inks in photoshop or something, there were places where I could see the marker lines showing up. There's a tut in C://TOOLS that Galvo put up about prepping ink work, not sure if you've seen it already. Good battle, I can't wait to see what happens next. Mamoru - very much the best piece of eye candy I've seen from you. Mize's flight goggles are just too hardcore. I like the plot you've got going with the other Exiles, it's damn impressive to see collab storylines. The whole battle got me on a real rush, great stuff, votes to you.

Kotori Ky's avatar
Kotori Ky
19 years ago
Good grief, these were both so great~! I have to give it to Mize for art, but dayum, The Mech sure has a sense of humor on him. I loved the arm falling off... Too good. I'm really not sure how to say who got the upper hand. Solid art from both and great fun to read. I guess I just wish Mize had more in it, though what is there was fantastic. I look forward to seeing both of these storylines continue. Cheers, boyos.

Y2Jenn's avatar
19 years ago
I'm a firm believer that color doesn't always make the art. Mize, your colors are great. They suit your style and they're interesting to look at... but i've seen you do better battles without it. I'm a little bummed out that you colored this battle at all after reading that you'd be leaving it black and white in the older comments. I was looking forward to that. This one was good but it was lacking in creativity. It's pretty and I can definitely appreciate the work you put into it... but that's all it is for me, pretty colors. Hope I don't sound terrible! Because that's not my intentions... I just want to see more from you, I want to see you do something spatacular without having to rely on color. Viper, this is my favorite battle from you so far. I love the timing and the continuation from the Ayako battle. The dialogue is a little cheesy... particularly that \"let's go cause some trouble\" line. Your inks are getting so much better. I think you could stand to tighten them up just a little bit more (we need more pens, huh?). They still look too... what's the word i'm lookin for?... too gritty? You can still have them look gritty without them being messy and in some panels they just don't look as good as the others. Pay attention to those borders! I see some bleedover in a couple places. I LOVE that Bobbi is in there! Both of you guys put up good battles. I believe Viper had the stronger of the two. Good work, guys. :)

C Lefebvre's avatar
C Lefebvre
19 years ago
Both of you did a great job. Mamoru, although viper's story is pretty solid, the quality of your work is far superior. Mize should win this one again.

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
just uploading what I have so far...Hopefully I can get an extra few hours to finish the very last page...Im looking forward to this one too bro.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
By the way, posted and pretty proud of this one. Can't wait to see yours Mamoru. Now I can concentrate solely on Battle Royal!

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Think you need to watch your mouth there. This isn't the place for that kind of thing. Keep it up and no one will have anything to do with you.

Live or Die's avatar
Live or Die
19 years ago
Post deleted by Toast because the user is a fucking tool.

Majikura's avatar
19 years ago
talk talk talk with no action. GVATAK has no credibility whatsoever. Someone ban him already.

Live or Die's avatar
Live or Die
19 years ago
Post deleted by Toast because the user is a fucking tool.

Mischif's avatar
19 years ago
Mamoru, you either have a lot of free time, awesome skillz, or you just may be high on something. Really, REALLY high on something lol.

FanTa_DudE's avatar
19 years ago
B&W! Awesome Mamoru! i love ur motive behind all this! An excercise to sell ur stories WITHOUT the impeccable superstar coloring that has everyone bowing at ur feet! Inspired! Show 'em Mamoru!

voodootattoon's avatar
19 years ago
Really lookin forward to this one

Floyd Yoder's avatar
Floyd Yoder
19 years ago
Mamoru, a battle is never a burst bubble. So you aren't using color, that doesn't lower the exitement level at all. The only way that this could be a dissapointment is if you default many of them. Let's hope that we don't see that.

Monday's avatar
19 years ago
Mize, YOu DO realise why I couldn't accept your challenge. . .right ?

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
thanks, even though its gonna be just black and white with some gray tones, Ill still do my best to give it all

jonas's avatar
19 years ago
aah, I've been looking forward to more mize. lucky month I guess? haha and after your first battle with ten fully colored pages in two weeks, I'm not even worried. rock on, mamoru!

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Can't wait to see your black and white work, I like b&w comics the best anyway. Good luck!

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
just to burst everyone's bubble, all my fights are gonna be black and white. The purpose of this is to test out my skills without relying on color. But I thank you for your support. Ill do my best.

Floyd Yoder's avatar
Floyd Yoder
19 years ago
5 fights in the same time? Jesus God you must be going crazy Mamoru. If you pull out your usual level of quality in all 5 (not in anyway expected) you will officially be the new God of void. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone doing that many at the same time. Show us something beautiful.

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
Ill try my best bro....Ill try my best...

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Wow, I didn't even know you had so many going already. Damn. Hope you can pull em all off.

Mamoru's avatar
19 years ago
you know that feeling of rush and thrill...Im feeling it. This is what you call the power of will...yes, Ive lost it.

QtRNevermore's avatar
19 years ago
mize...are u...nuts? how you going to pull this off..