hahaha, few pages but it was grand stuff.
Enjoi - Dance Dance Revolution, man i wish all the matches could be won that way. the dialog was hilarious. i do have to say that ending came out of left field, would enjoy it more if it stayed on the \"dance floor\" theme XD.still, good stuff.
Viper -The black and white style was sexcellent, clean and simple. i do have to point hat you could see some pencil traces on the last two pages, it was minimal but just so you know to tighten them up, make them look perfect. the panelling was great but the only not so suceesful part was the panel where he heads butt Ayako; im thinking a bit of speedlines on ayako would have made the sense of force more apperant. and you can always continue you zombie bit on your next battle. good fight , man.
Endjoi: Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah blah blah rushed. You've heard it, no need to repeat it. I was giggling at the \"...this saddens me.\" From the mechanic. If I had drawn that, I would have had him stomping the ground with a \"SUNVABITCH!\" But I think yours is truer to character. I'd like to fight you sometime, ehhhhh?
Viper: Dude, YES with the inking! Oh GOD YES with it!! Meeeeh with the action. That scene where he head-butts her, it wasn't as clear as it could have been that he just cracked her over the forehead. But other than that, pure sugar baby. Loved it.
Like I said, I really slacked off. I had a ten page story planned but just couldn't get the initiative to go through with it. Things kept getting in the way. This is pretty much a severly scaled down version of the original story. Think I'll do a BB showing what I had planned for the zombie bite.
I'm not the greatest at storytelling yet, I'm good at coming up with ideas, just can't execute em like I want. I'm working on it though. Thanks everybody, glad you like the inks. I'm having a blast doing em.
Rushed fight from Endjoi, but still a very cute and entertaining comic. Viper, you have some stellar inks and your anatomy is loads better. Still, the story didn't get me too much, and so my votes go to Endjoi in the creativity and entertainment areas.
Keep it up, you two!
sorry for the crap quality guys, I have no excuse. actually I do, but I'm not going to say it because then I'll be whinning. I rushed it, and that is very bad of me. I need to stop doing that
Viperchief: it was nice to see ayako in crazy brain eating zombie mode. but be warned, a bite from a zombie causes ZOMBIE MUTATIONS OF DOOM. but who knows. maybe mech's gas mask thingy is protection against that sort of thing? good job
I think this calls for a BB. Viper, your original ideas for this were sooooo good. I'm not being biased because Bobbi was goin to be in there. Not at all. Really. Shaddup.
You're getting fantastic at inking. And for being cut down so much the pacing is smooth in this as well.
Endjoi, I like your humor. It's so silly and it gave me the giggles. The Mechanic is the last character I expected to see playing DDR. But i'm bummed out by the quality. I'd like to see a rematch between you two. I really like Ayako. Fluffbucket's entertaining too.
I think I'm going to be quoting \"adios zombie head\" alot. It's pretty catchy.
I have to hand the quality vote to the mechanic comic, however, despite it's memorable line, I think the Ayako comic edges it out in the entertainment arena. Although for a second I thought \"DDR\" was referencing communist East Germany, and not a popular arcade game. The missunderstanding cleared quickly with the mention of pocket change and the the illustrations.
Uploaded, I seriously slacked on this one. I apologize Endjoi, had a lot on my plate. Though you did get my first completely hand inked comic ever. Hope you like it.
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