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Kate vs The Mechanic

3 Weeks
Regular Match


Kate vs The Mechanic
By Graphyte Ronin
chat_bubble 25
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trophy WINNER
Final Score: 7.65
Kate vs The Mechanic
By Viperchief
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The Mechanic
Final Score: 7.43

Comments (25)

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
Same to you, Viper! That was a real close one. Hey, considering the type of story you've got here... maybe you'd fancy fighting Draco sometime? ;)

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Congrats man, well fought. Honestly don't mind losing to you, good stuff.

Rax's avatar
19 years ago
Great fight fellas. Good writing.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Its the lack of big muscles that messes me up with females, I'm still working on it though! This battle helped me immensely. I was pretty strapped for ideas on this one, I like how it turned out though.

Molotai's avatar
19 years ago
Enjoyed both storys rather well. Kate- I Like the concept of your character, Its rather interesting, if not just a bit odd. You did rather well with the comic and your art seemed to remain at a rather even grade, I cant wait to see more fights from you in the future, Whereas you have a bit more of an artistic edge in this fight, I feel the storyline lacked a little something. Overall- Good Pace, You Werent Afraid To Add Humor, Keep It Up! Mechanic- As you stated, you need to work on your female anatomy, Your story carried such a strict and urgent tone, I couldnt help but be a bit captivated. The fact alone that I had to read it from beginning to end, gave you major credit there. The collar near the end seemed like a quick way to end the fight, but quickest isnt always the best. It is quite unfortunate you didnt show the use of Kate's \"toys\" as well- but that point ahs already been made. Overall- Loved The Story, Keep Working On Some More Anatomy.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Thanks Pi, I really had trouble coming up with a story for this one for some reason. I still like this one, which is building to something else, but I see what you and the others are saying. But the main thing is, I learned alot from this battle, tried things I'd never tried before and that's what I'm here for after all. As for the anatomy, anything in particular? I feel I have the same problems with male anatomy as I do female, so anything specific you see?

(Pi)'s avatar
19 years ago
I think story-wise the votes should go to Viper, but GR's was more visually appealling. Viper, I really love your art, but this didn't quite seem up to snuff with some of your other work. That, and it looks like you could use quite a bit of work on female anatomy (don't we all?). GR's fight definitely scored points in the humor and entertainment department though, even if things did get a bit hariy at the end. Votes go to Ronin for this one in my opinion.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
And all that was from me not Jenn.

Y2Jenn's avatar
19 years ago
Great story GR, I really enjoyed it. Sorry I didn't use any of Kate's tech, I really had trouble thinking of anything cool and I already had this story in mind. I loved the hovercraft battle in yours, really enjoyed that. I apologize if I didn't portray her in the way you would've wanted, but like you said, there wasn't much to go on. Thanks for the battle, I learned alot. I'll hit you up for a rematch down the line and throw as much tech at each other as possible.

Y2Jenn's avatar
19 years ago
Graph: I couldn't help but laugh the whole time Viper and I were reading your entry. I love your sense of humor and it's nice seeing the Mechanic with one too. He reminded me a bit of Spider-man. The action is great. A panel placement was a little confusing at times but the story was easy enough to follow. I can tell that you had to rush it a bit towards the end. You lines got a little sloppy and of coure the colors got left off. Regardless, it was still a good read and a damn good fight. Viper: Now, I promised I wasn't goin to be biased so here goes... All of these pages are good. Your timing and panelling is fluid, the dialogue flows well and both characters are easily enjoyable. I can tell you rushed through the pages you weren't too fond of. Particularly #3. I think it could have looks so much more dynamic had you taken a little more time on the colors in that one. The panels are fine. I would have liked to see more of a fight between the two of them. But I think 8 pages is a good amount and you finished the story without it sounding rushed. I really hate that Expediter guy. ;) To the both of ya, I was really looking forward to this fight. I've been scootin around your fights, Graph and I dig your style. It's got a lot of personality. This time around I think Viper had the stronger story. I'm really looking forward to seeing more from Kate. She's sassy! Good job, guys. Vote goes to the Mechanic.

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
A job well done, Viperchief. I guess I can't complain about character portrayal since Kate hasn't been in any battles yet. My side on the other hand... man, I forgot that The Mechanic has info on ALL the fighters! I have to say, I'm digging the quality of your work on this one... the faces in particular are great! You missed a great opportunity to make use of Kate's signature tools though, ah well.

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
Great read from my pal grapyte and from viperchief! Graph: Great stuff man, next time we fight I wanna see something just like this. But you gotta watch out for some things artwise man, sometimes the pannels mislead my eyes (I would try to read down instead of to the panel across) and you need to work more on your hands man. But aside from that this was easily my favorite fight from ya man, lots of personality in both characters and some good storytelling as well. My vote went to you man. Viperchief: I wasn't too fond of your story, a bit too cut and dry compaired to graph's, but I give you the advantage in quality overall. I do wish I could of seen more from ya thougb, this could of been a very good read if you made it longer. Both were very good, let's see a rematch soon! Keep it up or something?

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
Grr! This always happens, I gave myself too little time for shading and I ended up in a huge rush at the end. The only difference this time is that I ended up in that rush without, rather than with, an extension. I get the feeling that rush in the end is going to cost me the win... again... Well, that's that. Now to wait for the verdict.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Uploaded, whew. With two hours to spare. Sweet.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
Ended up being 8 pages, just finished toning and adding dialogue to page 3. Its 1am now, gonna see how many I can finish tonight.

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
10 inked pages! I should be able to get the last one done today or tomorrow, then I will throw down as much grayscale shading as I can muster. I can do this!!!

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
I'll have my done, I'm pretty sure. Still have three pages to finish, I'm back at work now so I'll probably have to finish it up this weekend. I'll have it ready though.

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
Well, I only have five inked pages so far, meaning I'm a little behind schedule. I'll try to power through the fight scene here, but I'll get an extension if I absolutely must. This one has to get done right!

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
11 pages? That's INSANE! Mine will be around 8 probably. Proud of this one so far, see how it turns out.

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
Got mine thumbnailed. I think it will be quite an interesting one, it's a sky battle. According to the plan it's now... 11 pages. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it off since I've been on top of things this battle.

disk's avatar
19 years ago
this is definitely one i'm waiting for. both fighters seem to be a good clash for one another. good fight you two.

Viperchief's avatar
19 years ago
This'll be a good time. Just gotta think of something cool. Finally a chance to show how badly I draw females, alright!

Graphyte Ronin's avatar
Graphyte Ronin
19 years ago
Hwwwarrr! This ought to be good. Let's make some fireworks, Viper!

Phill's avatar
19 years ago
This will be intresting... a weapon's seller vs one of Draco's weapon's testing crew! Give it your best shot you two!