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Messages - William_Duel

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48]
Heh it's just that I remembered too late that whenever I say Mononoke, people jump up and think Princess Mononoke.  An easy assumption to make.  That character actually made his debut in an experimental (style wise) anime called Ayakashi.  Each episode or two is a different story, characters style, etc.  I think it was the third one or fourth (can't remember) where the Medicine Seller first appears and defeats a Bakeneko (monster cat).  So I think he proved popular enough to have his own series.  I certainly hope they make another season in the future.

Art Jams / Re: Void Realism Jam
« on: Mar 02, 2009, 09:05 AM »
LOL whoa the resemble is uncanny.  That guy would make a good Nova in the live action Void movie.  But who is he?

I have the third toxic avenger movie.  I used to like Troma movies.  To be honest...I'm not sure why... (Sgt. KABUKIMAN!)
I had no idea that 20th century boys had a movie.  Guess I gotta do some searching...

Art Jams / Re: Void Realism Jam
« on: Feb 28, 2009, 02:36 PM »
When I saw this thread I was like...I have to do Nova!  Just because I already had a realistic image of Nova in my mind and I think he's awesome.  It's pencil and while I'm not proud of the hair... Here you go!

Just to be perfectly clear (I was at work and couldn't post any images):

I mean this Mononoke, not Princess Mononoke...although that's a great movie.  No doubt.  Just double checking.  I highly recommend it to those who haven't seen it.

You guys have wonderful taste.  I really loved Code Geass (I'm a huge mech fan anyways so it was expected) but I really got into the storyline.  My God I haven't obsessed over an anime like that since...Yakitate! Japan.  What?  Is that too far a leap of genres?  I'm enjoying Casshern Sins, the pacing is slow but I think that's fine, the action scenes I like as well. 

I just watched JCVD and I really enjoyed it, I recommend it.  And Taken.  Taken was sick.

Oh and one more thing, anyone seen an anime called Mononoke?  I'm in love with it.  I'm halfway through it.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: ................
« on: Feb 27, 2009, 04:37 PM »
Wow impressive body of work.  Not only that but you have tons of details especially in your backgrounds.  When I grow up I want to be just like you  ;)

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: William_Duel's Crap(lots of it)
« on: Feb 27, 2009, 02:03 PM »
I have to admit, that example is very inspiring, thank you.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: William_Duel's Crap(lots of it)
« on: Feb 27, 2009, 01:23 PM »
Well the sketchy lines are a product of the tablet.  It was my first time using the Wacom tablet and it was how I compensated for my inability to draw good lines on it, and while I feel I got a little better, yeah everyone's been saying how rough my lines are.  While I want to improve on the tablet and be able to draw at a natural level, I will make the effort in pencil and ink and see if that is better.  Since the lines have been called to my attention I'm starting to wonder...if perhaps the way I naturally draw lines is a problem in itself...>.>;

Your too much texture comment... I wonder if you are referring to my grays?  You see I took note of the fact while I was drawing that yes at times, even if its in pencil, my grays begin to blend together especially if I draw a full scene (background and all).  I wonder if perhaps, the solution is contrast?  Like you said about light source, I suppose that making a fixed light source will fix my problem?  Because I wasn't really sure how to fix it myself while I did it and played around with a few things. 

Backgrounds...yeah I was afraid of the idea of drawing them.  I was afraid that my inexperience with cityscape would really shine through (as if my general inexperience doesn't) so I copied what some manga did which works in black and white as well anyways (since they often use photography as backgrounds as well).  But no excuses, I will start to draw my own backgrounds.  But is it alright, to use some photography in some instances?

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Wiggen's Random Heads
« on: Feb 26, 2009, 08:02 PM »
I like that its obvious that you have the basics down especially on many of those sketches.  I have to admit the guy up at the top somewhat reminds me of some sort of wolverine/joker hybrid, but your art is all good.  There's lots of different concepts here and it's nice to see the diversity.

GO FOR BROKE! / William_Duel's Crap(lots of it)
« on: Feb 26, 2009, 07:48 PM »
So I present to you my crap.  This is a comic I did for my photoshop class last semester.  It is also my first attempt at using the tablet.  I just want to point out a few things first.  Up until about page 7 or so, I used my sketches and traced over them and that's what the first seven pages are composed of.  Then I started to think that the process took too long, so I abandoned my pencil and began to draw solely on the tablet because it was faster.  The last five or so pages were done in one day (the day it was due) and the text was added rather hastily at the end (to me it's the worst part of it but it's not like I had fancy fonts to work with, it was school comp). 

I tested out various ideas and techniques, some things worked, some things came out rather crappily.  But it's nice in that it was my first completed comic.  There were other attempts and I present one of them towards the bottom.  The story isn't intended to make sense to anyone who reads it other than me, because it's actually a section far into my original story.  I just kind of wanted to see it for once.

Most of my stories revolve around this character.  I invented him in elementary school and he is my dearest character, despite consistent claims that I ripped off Vega from Street Fighter (I will never stop being annoyed when I hear that...I thought I was pretty original back in the day).  His unmasked self, well it can be said that the Void character I am submitting is essentially a female version of him.  I'm sort of testing the waters in a way.

Obviously photo use here...there is much photo use in this comic.

This one is rather interesting because the background is the silver that comes up from an unfixed photo.  I thought the texture was interesting so I scanned it.

This is the full image of what is in the background of page 6:

And this is the original pencil sketch.  This is actually a few years old but I always liked it and always wanted to do something with it:

Cutey Honey Fanart:

My two favorite Kamen Riders Fanart (old school meets new kinda thing):

Potential Future Voider?  Just a quick sketch so I could remind myself of the design.  There is supposed to be something on the left but again, just a quick crappy little sketch...:

If I am able to get Soldat accepted and become comfortable and familiar with Void and prove I am capable then this will be the second character I will attempt to push through.  Mr. Magician.  Yes he should have hands but this is an incomplete drawing.

And to top off, an older comic book attempt with the same character done during high school.  Just pencil and ink:

There are more pages somewhere but this is probably enough.  If this is too much tell me and I will erase a few entries.  So yeah, most of these, basically all of these except for the too done in pencil (one in ink) were done on my tablet. 

spit spat, time to chat / Re: Youtube Thread
« on: Feb 23, 2009, 05:51 PM »
That pencil thing was freaky and I have no idea why!!  I was jumping out of my seat while nothing was happening?!  Anyways something a little more lighthearted.  Goes well with the sentai tourney.

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Dure's sketch dump
« on: Feb 23, 2009, 02:25 PM »
You are one of those artists who I wish I could stand there and look over your shoulder (as unnerving as it would be to you...).  I mean, screw those youtube speed paints (photoshop or not) because what is lacking there is the the actual process, the tools you use to create your works.  That's what would be most interesting to me because your work is just...great.  I have no better word for it.

spit spat, time to chat / Re: THE GOOD OL PHOTO-THREAT.
« on: Feb 18, 2009, 11:34 AM »
Not nearly as sexy as some people here  :P but this is an image I did for a class project. 

« on: Feb 18, 2009, 11:24 AM »
Hello my real name is Robert but online I go by William_Duel or some variation thereof (in other places as Geneticangel9).  I found this site like a little over a week ago but I have obsessed since.  I thank Slade13 because he had registered in another forum and through that person I was able to find Void.  I produce characters like a factory (in fact a whole little world exists in my head) but I am presenting a new original character I thought up on finding Void.  I have an idea for another character but one at time is best I suppose.  I am in college, work part time and am attempting to finish my Biology degree (phew six classes left).  Art may be my hobby but it is my passionate hobby and I want more than anything to improve.  I am both parts artist and scientist, but who knows how good I am at either?  Lol.  But yeah obsession has forced me to find time to draw amid exams and such (i'm sick I tell you).

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