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Messages - Angie

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Reviews / Re: So what comics are you reading?
« on: Jan 14, 2007, 11:46 PM »
Because it's just that good.

it was should read Cerebus the Aardvark by Dave Sim......all umpityzillion issues

I still need the last trade paperback of that, that's such a great series

Not too long ago I read We3, finally bought that massive one volume Bone trade, manga wise I've been reading Drifting Classroom, Monster, 20th Century Boys, Cromartie High School, Berserk, Naruto, D.Gray Man, Genshiken, Nana, and Bleach

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Day After yesterday.
« on: Jan 13, 2007, 01:37 PM »
Wow dude, you keep impressing me every time I see your stuff, would love to see you work more like those first two images

« on: Jan 06, 2007, 12:47 PM »
Ahhhh so much Angie art, thank you dude!

GO FOR BROKE! / Re: Qyzex Arts FO SHO
« on: Dec 29, 2006, 01:30 PM »
Still love that Angie pic dude!

spit spat, time to chat / Re: The good old photothreat
« on: Dec 28, 2006, 06:44 PM »

-my totally awesome driver's liscense

-me being totally awesome

Resources & Tutorials / Re: Creating a Tridimensional Character
« on: Sep 17, 2006, 01:38 AM »
Angela Eliese Rudell




Weight:108 lbs



Skin:orange/white/black fur

Posture:Slouched most of the time

Appearance (Good-looking, over/underweight, clean, neat, pleasant, untidy; shape of face/head/limbs): Well considering she's an animal type person thing I guess she looks pretty good by animal type person thing standards. She dresses very very casually and doesn't focus a ton of time in her appearance which is most evident in her hair.

Defects (deformities, abnormalities, birthmarks, diseases):None that you can see, her only major abnormality is the sword inside of her.

Heredity (inherited traits from character's family):She's full blooded Phinora, which is what her monster form is called. She shares the same eye and hair color as her father, but looks more like her mother in terms of body and facial structure.


Social Class (lower, middle, upper): lower middle class

Occupation (Type of work, hours of work, income, condition of work, union or non-union, attitude towards organization, suitability for work):She fights/kills people, interferes in wars, and generally is forced to do what the masked guys and Gleeko tell her to for a living. The hours vary depending on the job she's given. Angela hates the job with a passion and would love nothing more than to live a normal life.

Education (amount, kind of schools, marks, favorite subjects, poorest subjects, aptitudes): Was raised by the masked men from a young age and was only taught what they told her. She really only knows reading and very basic math.

Home Life (Parents living, earning power, orphan, parents separated or divorced, parents' habits, parents' mental development, parents' vices, neglect, character's marital status):whereabouts of her parents are unknown, lives alone. Not much is known about her parents.

Angela went through 2 different foster families and eventually is sent to live on her own.

Race:Phinora, a type of monster

Religion and/or Nationality:no religion

Place in Community ('leader among friends', clubs, sports): n/a

Political affiliations: None, she doesn't really care

Amusements/Hobbies (books, newspapers, magazines he/she reads, etc.):sleeping, watching movies

Time Period/Era (social structure and how it pertains to your character): the time period is similiar to our time period, just some things are more advanced. (technology, drugs, etc.) Angela is really the product of her environment, while the city isn't superdarkgenericBatmansortofthing, there just isn't that much value put in family and relationships.


Moral Standards:She knows what's right and wrong and starts out feeling extremely guilty when she's first forced to kill others. But over time she's gotten numb to the guilt, and while she still sees it as wrong, she will do it if need be.

Personal Premise/Ambition:to somehow get out from under the thumb of Gleeko/masked dudes and live her own life.

Frustrations:Even though Angela has a large amount of power and abilities, she's most frustrated knowing there's very little she can do to change things whether it be past or present. She knows her abilities are only good for destruction and can't do anything to change it.

Temperament (choleric, easygoing, pessimistic, optimistic, etc.):While she's generally laid back in normal situations, when anything seriously threatens her she goes berserk at the drop of a hat.

Attitude toward Life (resigned, militant, defeatist, etc.):Even though Angela's life has been shitty and traumatic, she still remains optimistic and does what she can to avoid being a ball of angst.

Complexes (obesessions, inhibitions, superstitions, phobias, etc.): The only fear she's really aware of are heights.

Extrovert? Introvert? Ambivert?:Ambivert

Abilities:Her other form is her greatest ability really. She wears bracers that help keep it in check, not that she'll instantly go into the other form if she takes them off, it just helps her prevent transforming without meaning to. The bracers also help her channel the strength from her monster form so she has a lot of physical strength. Angela is also able to use her blood to temporarily make herself or her sword stronger. (with a pretty big downfall, if the "blood sword" gets destroyed well...pretty much most of her blood goes everywhere and she passes out)

Qualities (imagination, judgement, taste, poise):Angela is a pretty good judge of character and is extremely loyal to people she cares for. She's also very honest, even brutally so.


« on: Jul 08, 2006, 03:23 AM »
Yoooo I've known about the site for quite a while but was always kind of scared to sign up since I didn't know exactly how it worked. (I'm slow, I know) I'm one of them cray-z poor starving college art students. I go to the Columbus College of Art and Design where I'm majoring in Animation and mainly focusing on doing storyboard work. Figured doing stuff on this site might help me with my major, that and it looks fun. Other than school I waste my life away playing WoW. I also work at Starbucks where part of my soul dies every time someone asks for their drinks to be heated at a specific temperature. (who on earth notices if their coffee is 180 degrees or 178 degrees?!)

Submitted my fighter application a few days ago so I'm excited about starting on some battles

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