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Topics - otakutaylor

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THE INCUBATOR / Otakutaylor Incubator
« on: Nov 19, 2018, 01:23 PM »

Figured I'd make an incubator for my next character after Tsumi's done, granted this was supposed to happen more than a year ago at this point. ^_^

Precious is a party girl and Voidstagram model. Spending most of her time enjoying herself at clubs and parties, and indulging her unique tastes. Living quite a high maintanence life, she's got no qualms cheating, stealing, or conning people out of their money and possessions to pay for it. Though they likely enjoyed the night before. She blows through her money way too fast though, and still has to work as a teller at a bank. While she lives a dangerous lifestyle, it only got worse when she developed Meta abilites.

Unknown to her for most of her life, Precious discovered a few years ago that she can eat anything. A power often called "matter muncher" She's developed a particular taste for precious metals, such as gold, silver, and platinum. Her motivations then grew to almost entirely focus on her appetite. She is not a glutton, as much as it would be easy for her, she's more of a gourmet. Having a nearly insatiable desire to taste rare or expensive metal objects. While primarily this constitutes gold jewelry, she also enjoys elaborate machinery such as watches, or complex electronic boards like those used to compute AI. As you can imagine, this is where most of the money she makes (steals) goes too.  Her Diet of metals however, has altered her body's physiology, making her into a being of living metals beneath her outermost skin layer. These changes have made her nigh indestructible; bullets, bats, or busses doing little more than tearing away her skin layer and pissing her off at the loss of the expensive makeup.

There's not a ton of story for her besides the setup so far. I've got ideas for her fellow immortal co-workers, and her equally self indulgent club friends, but for what the comics will probably be about, it's just fun sexy times or her conning voiders out of whatever she wants to get her lips around.

Daily Drawing Challenges / Muscle May
« on: May 01, 2018, 09:43 PM »

Muscle May is a draw every day challenge, with a new muscle to draw every day!

Doesn't matter if you do a single sketch or a whole page of practice, whatever you want to do to work your drawing muscles, drop it in the thread.
I'll be drawing along with you, and trying to post some useful references to help each day.
You don't have to draw each day either, jump in when you want and out if you're done.
Plus, on each muscles day, at your request, you can ask for me to critique what you've drawn. I'll try to give what tips I can and/or redline your anatomy if you'd like!

Some examples of the muscle practice I've done before:

My recommendation is to spend around a half hour, and draw your selected reference 3-5 times, rather than spend all that time on one drawing. It's easy to get lost focusing on making your practice sketches look good, when we're focusing on form and accuracy. and remember, muscles are WEIRD. Often what's correct looks wrong, and what looks incorrect looks cooler. Check out contortion videos if you wanna be grossed out on the limits the human body can by pressed.

Oh, and of course, I'm not claiming to be a master of muscles here, It's just my... personal focus. ^_^ So if I make a mistake in drawing, representing, or critiquing a muscle please let me know! I'm here to get better just the same~
(yes, late start due to work today delaying my getting this all setup. so day 2 will count for both. I'll post the second as soon as I finish with the first.)

Muscle 1: Sternocleidomastoid  aka: The V Neck muscle - Proko drawing video

Art Jams / Little Black Dress
« on: Nov 18, 2014, 12:13 AM »

When you need to look perfect for a fancy night out on the town, or just wanna rock your outfit around your own living room, few things can beat the little black dress. While most voiders don't have a reason to get dolled up in their everyday strife, this night is something special. So grab your heels and carefully stumble your way to the party.

Just one catch, little black dresses ONLY. You dudes want to join, you better stop by Andy's costumes and get something made like Tsumi did.

VOID University / Body Language Meme
« on: Sep 03, 2013, 02:26 AM »
Might be more suited to the Void U thread, but I can't post there so...

Body Language meme thread!
Let's get some practice on getting motion and emotion across without using those boring "..." text bubbles or emoticons!

You can get the template here:

Art Jams / 1 Hour 1 Page Challenge
« on: Apr 16, 2013, 09:28 AM »
Welcome to the 1H1P Challenge
You have one hour to draw one page of a complete self contained comic!

Like this!

The rules are simple:

1. ONE HOUR - From the time you agree on, you have one hour to draw your comic. No particular amount of detail is required for submission. You could have nothing but scribbles or a fully colored masterpiece, it doesn't matter. This is a test to see what you can do with an hour of dedicated work. The moment your hour is up, you are only allowed to scan your work (if traditional), change your comics resolution/size if necessary for proper viewing, save it, and upload it somewhere so people can see it!

2. Find some friends - Although this challenge can me taken on alone, it's recommended you find at least two other people to draw along with you. It's so much more motivating knowing others are drawing against the clock with you. Try the dA chat if you're looking for participants, there's almost always somebody idling around in there who should be drawing!

3. Prep time - Generally, we allow for a half hour preperation time before the hour begins, to set up your drawing space, open your programs, find any refs you think you might need, grab a drink, and otherwise do anything you need to in order to spend the entire hour drawing. This isn't mandatory, but recommended since not everyone is ready at the drop of a hat. We want to see what an hour of drawing nets you, not 25 minutes of drawing and 35 minutes of looking for the right reference.

4. Self-contained - These are not serial comics, nor intended "to be continued". Each comic is an exercise both in time and in writing a single self-contained story. No matter if you have a 17 panel epic conversation, or a 3 panel Garfield joke strip, it should begin and end on that single page.

That's pretty much it! Find some fellow artists and see what you guys can come up with, or challenge yourself and post the fruits of your labor. I'll be trying to see if I can start more of these challenges myself, but feel free to do so on your own!

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